Saturday, October 27, 2007

Get Rich from the Internet

Website advertising is the surefire way to make money
on the internet. There is no major upfront fees so you
can start making money without losing your life's
savings. There is a catch though, you have to have to
put a lot of time and effort into building a great
website. But once it's built you just sit back reap the
profits with little maintenance (unless you have
update content on a regular basis).
The key to a great site is content and ease of use. You
need to make your audience want to come and look at
your site. It's even better if you can provide content
that changes on a regular basis. This way you not only
rely on new visitors but returning ones as well. A
couple of great ideas for site content that will bring
returning visitors is running a forum or a chat site.
Setting them up is easy and the net is full of free
content that tells you exactly how to include
advertising with them. Bluehost (found in the related
links page) is a website hosting company that offers
both forum and chat software for free when you
purchase a hosting package through them. I use
Bluehost and this is what I set up as a forum and chat
site. I'm not an html (website language) genius but I
think they look pretty darn good for paying only $6.95/
So you've sat down and thought really hard about
what you want to create a website about. Now you
need to build it. I'm not going to get into html code or
anything like that so I'll assume you've got that
figured now. If you don't, you can get a copy of
Microsoft FrontPage which is what I use and
recommend for a beginner. FrontPage offers website
templates which let you fill in a few fields of
information and then it will do the rest of the website
creation for you.
Now that you have content you need to insert your
advertising. I've tried Google Adsense (right side) and
found that it's not all that good for making money
because you don't get paid for every ad click (see related links to learn more). In order for Google to
work well you need to understand how they operate
and play by their rules. (Click here for more info on
using Googles adsense program) But then I found
another company called SearchFeed (who does pay for
every ad click).
SearchFeed offers free signup and allows you to
choose the ads that go on your site. If you go with
Google, they pick the ads according to your site
content which doesn't really work out that great. What
ends up happening is you have ads that compete with
your content and take your returning clients away
from you (but you can use their competitive ad filter to
remove competitors ads). You also have to wait until
your profits reach $100 before they payout
(SearchFeed is $35).
Once your signed up with SearchFeed, login to your
account and go to the integration tools menu. Here
you will find 7 different options to choose from. We
will only worry about 2 of them. the most important
and easiest one will be the Dynamic Feed Creator. This
is where you choose the content that you want to
advertise on your site. Click on it and we will look at it
The Dynamic Feed Creator has 10 form fields to play
with. Four of them can be left alone (Display Title,
Title, Title Color and Display URL). The 5 on the left
side are fairly self explanatory. The Box Width can be
in a percentage or number of pixels. Most monitors are
set to 800 pixels wide but I usually just leave it at

The Search Term box is where you type the keyword
for the ads you want to display. On the left side of this
page you can see what the ads will look like. To add
them to your website, just copy and paste the html
code into the page you want it on in FrontPage and
then you will see a little box where you pasted the
code. Click on this box and select 'treat as HTML tags'.
If you can't see any ads that's ok as long as you can
get them to show up when you click on the preview
button at the bottom of the screen.
The second best feature that SearchFeed offers is the
Search Engine Generator. This is what it looks like
once you have one created. Type something in the box
and click on search.
A SearchFeed' search box has a downside, it's not
good for searching for everything but it is good for
shopping. So what I do is change the name of the
search box to 'Shop' so people know that that's what
it's there for. To get get more info on how to use this
service just check out the SearchFeed site. They tell
you everything you need to know.
Once your site is built and ready to go, you need to get
visitors. There is 2 ways to do this. One is free ant he
other isn't. I'll start with the free one first. Submit
your site to as many search engines and other related
sites that you can. See if you can find a web ring to
join and tell everyone you know that you site exists
and that they should check it out. Be very enthusiastic
about what it is you offer your visitors so that they will
get excited and want to see it. If they want to know
exactly what it's about, keep the info you tell them
very vague. If you tell them too much they will think
they know everything about it and won't take a look.
The other way is through advertising your site on
other sites. You can sign up with Google Adwords and
use a pay per click advertising method. You choose the
keywords you want to trigger you ads and how much

I hope this little article helps you out like it has helped your willing to pay for each Remember to be creative and try things out.

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