Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lady Gaga sebelum jadi gaga

Lagu Bad Romance – Lady Gaga tengah meletup masa ni. Stesyen radio tempatan memang tengah galak mainkan lagu ni sehingga budak kecik pun tahu.

Lady Gaga adalah seorang artis yang sangat pelik. Diharap anak gadis Melayu tidak menjadikan Lady Gaga ni sebagai ikon kerana pakaian Gothiknya yang di tahap melampau. Di malam Bintang Popular Berita Harian tu hari sudah ada artis yang berani mengenakan bulu mata Lady Gaga

Ni gambar Lady Gaga sebelum jadi Gaga..

lady gaga @ isu hangat

lady gaga @ isuhangat

gaga @ isuhangat

lady gaga @ isuhangat

lady gaga @ isuhangat

kredit to isuhangat.net

Monday, March 16, 2009

Vokalis Saujana dedah imej sebenar

ekas penyanyi nasyid kumpulan Saujana iaitu kumpulan nasyid yang dahulunya terkenal dengan penyanyi-penyanyi kumpulan ini yang terdiri dari pelajar-pelajar cemerlang. Kumpulan ini yang pernah popular suatu masa dahulu tetapi senyap kini mungkin kerana anggota kumpulan ini yang sibuk dengan pelajaran.

Namun begitu, nama kumpulan nasyid Saujana digegarkan semula dengan kemunculan salah seorang anggota nasyid kumpulan ini iaitu Khairul Idzwan Baharin yang dikenali kini Dr Khairul Idzwan Baharin,27 dengan penampilan yang amat berbeza sekali berbanding dengan imej nasyid dahulu di program realiti One In A Million (OIAM).

Mungkin beliau ingin meniru jejak langkah Faizal Tahir dahulu yang sebelumnya adalah penyanyi nasyid kumpulan Nirwana, tetapi jika Faizal Tahir muncul dengan imej rock manakala Khairul Idzwan Baharin muncul dengan imej lebih lembut pula!

bekas nasyid Saujana One In A Million @ isuhangat

bekas nasyid Saujana One In A Million @ isuhangat

Dr Khairul Idzwan Baharin seperti mendedahkan imej sebenar yang dahulunya di tutup dengan imej berkopiah. Saya macam tak percaya tapi kalau benar itulah Khairul Idzwan Baharin bekas vokalis Saujana, harap beliau berubah semula seperti dahulu.

Apalah sangat dengan dunia glamour, Khairul Idzwan Baharin pun dah bergelar Doktor.

info dari saudara Asrol kredit to isuhangat

Mek Siti kahwin orang istana

gambar kahwin Mek Siti

Pelakon sitkom Salam Pantai Timur, Nik Sayyidah Fatiha Yazid, 26, atau lebih dikenali sebagai Mek Siti, selamat dinikahkan dengan pasangannya Mohd. Hariff Ghazali, 34, oleh Mufti Kelantan, Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamad, (14/3). Terbaru, dia membintangi drama Julia Juli di Tv3.

Mek Siti yang memilih Setiausaha Sulit Raja Perempuan Kelantan itu sebagai teman hidup, dihadiahkan gelang tangan emas bertatah berlian bernilai RM10,000 dalam upacara membatalkan air sembahyang.

Mek berkata, beliau berkenalan dengan pasangannya itu sejak empat tahun lalu apabila sering berurusan untuk mengadakan persembahan di istana.

“Ciri-ciri yang ada pada suami, iaitu menghormati dan menyayangi keluarga saya seperti mana menyintai saya amat memikat hati. Dia ikhlas menerima Mek seadanya,” kata Mek Siti.

Sumber: Utusan

Monday, April 7, 2008

5 Pembohongan TERBESAR Perniagaan Internet

Selamatkan Diri Anda Dari Menjadi Salah Seorang Dari MANGSA Pembohongan Ini!

Anda dijanjikan wang berjuta-juta dari Internet…kekayaan sekelip mata dari Internet, namun…


…tidak semuanya BENAR, dan hakikatnya kebanyakannya adalah pembohongan semata. Ketahui lima pembohongan TERBESAR tersebut…secara langsung di dalam laporan ini.

Salam sejahtera,

Ianya berada disekeliling anda, sedar atau tidak ianya sedang ‘menguasai’ anda. Ya, janji-janji manis, kononnya hidup anda akan berubah melalui Internet.
Dengan Internet, anda boleh menjadi jutawan dalam sekelip mata.
Dengan Internet, kononnya esok lusa wang berjuta-juta akan jatuh ke riba anda dalam sekelip mata.Dengan Internet…pelbagai lagi mitos-mitos yang dilontarkan,memberi seribu satu janji manis kepada anda, bahawa kekayaan itu akan menjadi realiti dalam masa yang singkat…
melalui Internet.
Anda dihidangkan dengan ‘kisah-kisah manis’ jutawan-jutawan Internet, yang pada akhirnya hanya meninggalkan impian kepada anda, dan anda terumbang-ambing mencari halatuju
anda sendiri.

Ketahuilah, ada yang benar dan ada yang tidak. Dan pada hari ini, terus ke mata hidung anda sendiri, anda akan ‘dihidangkan’ dengan lima pembohongan TERBESAR mengenai
perniagaan Internet.

Pastikan anda membacanya dalam keadaaan yang tenang, tanpa sebarang gangguan luar kawalan anda. Fokus 101% kepada apa yang akan saya laporkan kepada anda ini. Kerana ia mungkin akan mengubah cara berfikir anda, mind-set anda terhadap penjanaan kekayaan melalui Internet.

Semoga ‘kesilapan lama’ tidak berulang lagi, untuk kali yang kedua. Semoga anda tidak akan tertipu lagi dengan janji-janji manis kekayaan segera melalui Internet.

p.s: Apa yang ditulis di dalam laporan ini adalah hasil dari pengalaman saya yang telah melalui zaman pahit dan manis menjalankan perniagaan Internet sendiri, dan pengamatan saya terhadap situasi yang pernah berlaku di dalam masyarakat Malaysia sendiri berkaitan dengan
perniagaan dan penjanaan wang melalui Internet.

Pembohongan # 1 : Apa Saja Produk Yang Anda Jual PASTINYA Akan Terjual Sekaligus Laris Di Pasaran!

TIDAK sama sekali.

Jika terdapat mana-mana ‘guru’ perniagaan Internet yang berkata demikian di dalam seminar perniagaan Internet mereka, sila tinggalkan seminar mereka dengan segara.
Minta kembali wang anda (jika terdapat refund di dalam polisi mereka).
Inilah pembohongan yang teramat nyata di dalam perniagaan Internet. Jika anda memiliki mind-set sebegini, sila betulkan dengan segera. Ini kerana…
Jangan sesekali membuat tanggapan yang produk yang anda akan jual akan mendapat sambutan dari pembeli.Never assume.

Katakan anda menjual produk batik, anda membuat anggapan yang produk anda akan laku di pasaran US kerana disana disebabkan produk anda sukar didapati, maka ianya akan
mendapat sambutan.Tidak sama sekali.Sebelum melaksanakan sesuatu idea baru, apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah menanyakan diri anda sendiri;

1. Adakah produk anda mempunyai permintaan?

2. Jika YA, adakah produk anda mudah dijumpai di pasar biasa (offline) atau tidak?

3. Adakah produk anda menyelesaikan masalah-masalah di dalam pasaran anda?
Formula ringkas untuk membina sesebuah produk sebelum memasarkannya di dalam pasaran target adalah;

1. Memasuki mana-mana pasaran, cuba untuk memahami pasaran tersebut dengan menyertai kumpulan perbincangan mereka seperti online forum, message board, dan juga group-group
seperti Yahoo! Group dan juga Google Group.

2. Ketahui masalah UTAMA pasaran yang anda masuki tersebut.

3. Dalami masalah mereka, dengan cara melakukan kajian seperti online survey. Cara ini boleh dilakukan samada dengan melakukan secara direct di forum tersebut atau mengumpulkan list emel prospek (melalui teknik squeeze page dan mengiklankannya melalui Google Adwords atau signature files di forum).

Tanyakan soalan seperti 'Apakah masalah TERBESAR anda _ _ __ _ _?' Sebagai contoh disini, saya pernah menggunakansoalan 'Apakah yang menyebabkan anda masih lagi tidak menjana pendapatan melalui Internet?'

4. Setelah anda mengumpulkan soalan-soalan dari prospek anda, tiba masanya anda mencari PENYELESAIAN kepada masalah mereka. Ia samada anda mencipta produk anda sendiri atau
menggunakan produk orang lain seperti promosi affiliate atau membeli pakej Resell Rights atau PLR (Private Label Rights).

Tugas anda seterusnya adalah MENJUAL! Ulangi proses yang sama untuk pasaran niche lain, atau anda boleh fokus kepada niche sedia ada dengan menambah pelbagai lagi pilihan
produk (back-end selling).

NOTA: Di dalam panduan TeknikNiche, saya akan menceritakan kepada anda dengan LEBIH MENDALAM lagi bagaimana untuk mencari sesuatu pasaran niche, menentukan samada pasaran tersebut menguntungkan, dan juga banyak lagi! Anda boleh mendaftar dengan menjadi VIP List TeknikNiche di: www.TeknikNiche.com

Pembohongan # 2 : Anda Perlu Pakar Dalam Kod HTML dan Kemahiran Teknikal Lain Sebelum Boleh Memulakan Perniagaan Internet Anda Sendiri.

Saya mungkin akan 'dihentam' oleh beberapa usahawan Internet kerana pembohongan kedua ini.Satu lagi pembohongan yang nyata. Secara jujurnya, sehingga kini saya masih lagi tidak tahu bagaimana untuk meletakkan kod autoresponder dengan baik pada laman web saya dan tidak
pandai untuk memasang skrip affiliate ke laman web saya, namun pada masa yang sama saya telah menjana pendapatan lebih dari 5 angka dari laman web tersebut!
Kunci disini adalah : Fokus kepada kekuatan yang anda ada,yang lainnya, gunakan kekuatan orang lain yang lebih mahirdalam subjek tersebut.Sebagai contoh jika anda seorang penulis ebook, dan kekuatan anda adalah di dalam penulisan manakala kelemahan anda adalah bahagian teknikal, jangan fokus kepada kelemahan anda.Fokus kepada kekuatan anda menulis isi kandungan ebooktersebut. Terlalu memikirkan hal-hal yang diluar keupayaan anda akan menjejaskan tumpuan anda kepada kekuatan anda,yakni penulisan.

Jadi apa penyelesaiannya?

Gunakan teknik leverage!

Leverage Other People’s Expertise

Leverage Other People’s Time

Leverage Other People’s Money

Mungkin ada di antara anda pernah mendengar apa yang saya nyatakan diatas. Ya, ianya telah banyak dibincangkan oleh Robert Kiyosaki di dalam siri buku RichDad nya. Saya tidak mahu mengulangi apa yang diperkatakan oleh beliau, namun apa yang saya ingin tekankan disini adalah menggunakan teknik leverage other people’s expertise adalah penyelesaian terbaik untuk mengatasi kelemahan anda dari segi kemahiran teknikal. Anda boleh pilih, samada untuk menggunakan wang atau tidak di dalam situasi ini. Jika anda mempunyai modal yang lebih,
menggunakan wang sebagai pertukaran mungkin tidak menjadi masalah bagi anda. Cara ini lebih dikenali sebagai outsourcing.

Namun, untuk anda yang kekangan bajet, anda mungkin boleh menggunakan teknik bartering, dengan bertukar barang dengan barang.

Sebagai contoh Samad memberikan khidmat mereka logo untuk laman web anda, dan sebagai balasan yang setimpal dengan nilai, anda memberikan khidmat menulis surat jualan secara percuma kepada laman web Samad. Disini tiada wang digunakan, hanyalah servis (atau kelebihan individu) yang menjadi mekanisma pertukaran (yang bijak). Kenalpasti kekuatan anda, fokus kepada kekuatan tersebut dan jadikan ianya sebagai mekanisma utama anda untuk
mengaplikasikan teknik leverage ini. Ingat, tujuan laman web anda adalah untuk MENJUAL, dan bukannya untuk memenangi “Web Design Of The Year Award”. Jangan rumitkan diri anda dengan mempelajari perkara yang tidak akan membawa kepada manfaat kepada laman web anda.

Pembohongan # 3 : Membeli Ebook-Ebook Panduan Internet AKAN Menjadikan Anda

“You see, in life, lots of people know what to do but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough!You must take action.”
-Anthony Robbins

Ya, mungkin ini boleh ditafsirkan sebagai pembohongan tahap nyata.
Hukum alam. Jika anda hanya membeli, membaca, membeli lagi dan membaca, TANPA tindakan, anda sebenarnya tidak akan membina apa-apa kemajuan di dalam perniagaan Internet anda. Anda mungkin kaya dari segi pengetahuan, tetapi anda tidak kaya dari segi tindakan.Anda tahu cara A akan membantu anda meningkatkan jualan ke laman web anda, namun atas sifat sentiasa ‘dahagakan ilmu’,anda menangguhkan cara yang anda baca tersebut untuk mempelajari cara seterusnya di dalam ebook terbaru yang baru dilancarkan di pasaran.

Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,

Tidak kiralah betapa hebatnya sesebuah ebook panduan itu,walaupun ianya membongkarkan rahsia sebenar bagaimana untuk anda menjadi jutawan di dalam masa tiga tahun, jika anda
tidak mempraktikkan ilmu yang diajarkan di dalam ebook tersebut, ianya hanyalah pelaburan yang tiada apa-apa pulangan untuk anda.You gain the knowledges but you never get your return oninvestment (ROI), simply because you didn’t TAKE ACTION.

*NOTA: Saya sama sekali TIDAK menghalang anda untuk membeli mana-mana ebook yang diterbitkan dipasaran. Malah salah satu perniagaan Internet saya juga adalah model produk
digital ebook. Masalah disini adalah, anda JANGAN hanya membeli dan membaca, akan tetapi MEMPRAKTIKKAN apa yang diajarkan di dalam ebook tersebut.

Tambahan: Satu kajian telah dilakukan terhadap sistem pelajaran pada tahun 1969 untuk mengkaji tahap keberkesanan kaedah-kaedah pembelajaran.
Maka dari situ terciptalah 'Cone Of Learning' (Pencipta asal: Edgar Dale) yang menunjukkan bahawah tahap paling rendah di dalam pembelajaran adalah membaca manakala tahap
tertingginya pulang adalah mengambil tindakan. Lihat betapa jauhnya perbezaan antara membaca sahaja dan mengambil tindakan.

Pembohongan # 4 : Menghantar Emel-emel SPAM Akan Menjadikan Produk Anda Laris Sekaligus Anda Akan Kaya! Menghantar emel SPAM tidak akan menjadikan anda jutawan dalam sekelip mata. Percayalah.

Lagi satu pembohongan TIDAK BERETIKA.Tidak, anda tidak akan menjadi jutawan dengan menghantar emel kepada mereka yang anda sendiri pun tidak kenal, dan saya ada alasan mengapa saya berkata begitu: “Bayangkan Anda Sekarang Seorang SPAMMER Tegar...”

1. Anda akan membazirkan masa anda sahaja menghantar emel promosi sebegini. Selain dari emel anda akan memasuki folder SPAM, anda juga sebenarnya seolah-olah bertindak seperti jurujual yang masuk kerumah prospek TANPA memperkenalkan diri terus masuk ke dalam rumah mereka. Jika situasi ini berlaku pada diri anda (atau ahli keluarga anda) yang lain, adakah anda masih lagi boleh bersabar dengan penjual tersebut? Jika TIDAK, situasinya samalah seperti 'mangsa-mangsa' SPAM anda.

2. Kredibiliti perniagaan anda akan tercalar. Ya, sudahlah mempromosikan produk secara melulu, kini kredibiliti perniagaan anda sendiri akan tercalar.Usah bicara akan penjenamaan, kerana mereka yang berjaya membina jenama yang baik dan dipercayai di Internet TIDAK SAMA SEKALI menggunakan teknik spamming untuk mempromosikan produk-produk mereka.

3. Anda menyusahkan 'mangsa-mangsa' anda. Emel mereka digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan rakan-rakan yang mereka kenal, bukannya untuk menerima emel-emel produk yang
kadangkala tiada langsung kaitan dengan mereka. Sungguh memenatkan untuk mereka memadam emel-emel SPAM anda, bukan? Penyelesaian

Saya menghentam perlakuan sumbang SPAM ini tidaklah bermakna saya membenci teknik pemasaran melalui emel ini. Tidak sama sekali. Saya sendiri menggunakan teknik ini dan
telah menjana beribu-ribu Ringgit darinya.Namun apa yang saya praktikkan disini bukanlah SPAM, tetapi teknik pemasaran emel yang lebih dikenali sebagai permission marketing.
Saya mendapat kebenaran dahulu dari pemilik emel untuk menghantar sebarang emel-emel samada berbentuk promosi atau tidak kepada mereka.Saya juga memberikan mereka pilihan andainya mereka tidak berminat lagi untuk menerima emel-emel saya, mereka boleh
berhenti dengan satu klik sahaja.

Caranya dengan membina mailing list anda dengan cara yang betul. Anda boleh mendapatkan emel-emel mereka, dengan menggunakan teknik pertukaran nilai. Iyalah, untuk anda
mendapat alamat emel mereka, tentunya anda perlu memberikan
sesuatu yang sama nilainya dengan emel mereka, kan? Gunakan perisian yang betul. Bukannya perisian seperti email harvester, email blaster dan lain-lain yang digunakan
oleh para spammer.

Gunakanlah perisian-perisian pengurusan mailing list yang mematuhi Akta CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of NonSolicited Pornography and Marketing Act) 2003. Contoh perisian cadangan industri adalah seperti;


Ya, walaupun anda perlu membayar sedikit untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan ini, ianya adalah lebih baik dari menggunakan teknik spamming yang pastinya tidak akan membawa sebarang
manfaat di dalam pembinaan kredibiliti dan jenama perniagaan anda sendiri.

Bacaan Tambahan:

Definisi Spammer menurut Wikipedia:

Definisi Email adress harvesting menurut Wikipedia:
Akta CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act) 2003:

*Tambahan: Pembohongan Tahap Sederhana
Selain dari pembohongan #4 diatas, satu lagi pembohongan yang saya rasakan patut didedahkan disini adalah...Memanjangkan emel 'wasiat' dan jika anda bertuah anda akan menerima sedikit harta yang diwasiatkan tersebut!

Jika difikirkan secara logik, anda pasti dalam berfikir yang TIADA manusia yang terlalu baik untuk memberikan wang mereka kepada individu yang mereka sendiri tak kenal!
Cukup, anda punyai akal kurniaan tuhan, fikirkanlah sebaikbaiknya. Cukup untuk saya memberitahu anda yang ini adalah pembohongan semata-mata!

Pembohongan # 5 : Anda Boleh Menjadi Seperti Saya, Menjana Pendapatan
Sehingga RM 30,000 Dalam Masa 30 HariDengan Hanya Goyang Kaki Sahaja!

“There is no fast, effortless way to make money. Get-richquick schemes only work for the person selling them. Don’t waste a minute of your life trying cut corners or create
financial shortcuts. Chasing the will-o’-the-wisp of the quick buck is the surest way to DESTROY your character and undermine your career.”
-Brian Tracy, World Renownest Sales Trainer.

Satu lagi pembohongan mirip seakan-akan program 4D (Duduk Diam Dapat Duit).

Apa yang saya dapat ulas disini, YA, memang anda boleh menjana wang sejumlah begitu banyak, TETAPI dengan syarat:
1. Anda telah berada di dalam satu niche pilihan anda, dan menjadi antara leading player di dalam pasaran tersebut.

2. Saiz mailing list anda adalah berjumlah seramai 100, 000 orang atau lebih.

3. Anda membelanjakan lebih dari RM 10, 000 setiap minggu di Google Adwords, memiliki pelbagai kempen di dalam pelbagai niche untuk program-program affiliate dan juga rangkaian CPA.

4. Dan banyak lagi.Tiga contoh diatas adalah kesimpulan terbaik untuk menyatakan anda boleh menjana pendapatan sebegitu lumayan, seperti menjana RM30, 000 dalam masa seminggu sahaja! Ini kerana mereka mempunyai satu persamaan: “Mereka telah berpengalaman dan berkepakaran di dalam bidang yang mereka ceburi.” Jika anda baru mengenali dunia Internet, lantas diberikan janji-janji manis RM30, 000 dalam masa 3 hari, 3 minggu ataupun 30 hari...

“JANGAN Berjalan, Sebaliknya Lari JAUH-JAUH!”

Jika anda sendiri baru mengenali apa itu HTML, apa itu autoresponder, apa itu Pay Per Click, adalah lebih baik anda memfokuskan diri anda kepada menambah ilmu pengetahuan anda kepada perkara-perkara asas yang anda WAJIB tahu sebelum memulakan sesebuah perniagaan Internet. Berhenti dari membeli 'impian-impian' kosong ini, samada ianya di dalam bentuk video, ebook dan sebagainya.Saya tidaklah berkata ianya TIDAK mustahil, tetapi adalah
TIDAK sesuai untuk anda yang masih lagi tercari-cari tapak sendiri untuk memulakan perniagaan Internet anda sendiri. Dengan kata lain, jika anda merangkak, jangan memilih untuk
terus berlari. Anda perlu berjalan terlebih dahulu, barulah anda boleh berlari, bukan?
Tepuk dada tanya kemampuan, keyakinan, dan pengetahuan anda sebelum menetapkan sesuatu target.

Menurut Dan Lok, seorang guru pemasaran 'direct response' antarabangsa, beliau menyatakan terdapat 7 tahap bagi seorang usahawan Internet itu. Ianya adalah;

Tahap 1 - The Mooches

Secara ringkas, ‘The Mooches’ adalah mereka yang: Mempercayai Internet bukanlah tempat untuk menjana sebarang pendapatan; Internet hanyalah tempat untuk berseronok.
Kemahiran yang rendah di dalam teknik pemasaran.
Kurangnya motivasi untuk berjaya.
Bersikap rendah diri dan takut untuk mencuba.
PERCAYA bahawa kekayaan itu adalah kebetulan sahaja dan bukannya hasil dari kemahiran dan kerja keras.

Tahap 2 - The Wanna-Be

‘The Wanna-Be’ berada diatas sedikit dari ‘The Mooches’.Dan mereka di dalam bahagian ‘The Wanna-Be’ ini memilikisifat dan personaliti seperti:
Sama seperti ‘The Mooches’, yakni kurangnya motivasi untuk berjaya.
Mahu wang tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana untuk
mendapatkannya. 
Gagal untuk bertanggungjawab ke atas segala tindakan
didalam hidup mereka.
Mudah menjadi mangsa penipuan scam. Golongan ini melaburkan wang mereka di dalam peluang-peluang murah, mempercayai kononnya akan membawa kekayaan kepada mereka suatu hari ini.

Tahap 3 - The Pretend To Be

Golongan ‘The Pretend To Be’ ini boleh diibaratkan sebagai mereka yang bekerja keras TETAPI tidak mengambil sebarang pengajaran dari hasil usahanya. Bermakan golongan ini, jika mereka gagal, mereka tidak membuat sebarang kajian atau post mortem mengapa mereka gagal.
Akhirnya mereka asyik melakukan kesilapan yang sama, kononnya mereka bekerja keras, tetapi masih tidak lagi berjaya.Golongan ini Work Hard, tetapi tidak Work Smart. Ciri-ciri golongan ini adalah seperti; 
Mereka cakap banyak, namun pada hakikatnya mereka tidaklah melakukan apa yang mereka cakapkan itu. Theyjust don't walk the talk.
Kurang keberanian dan takut kepada ketidaktahuan.
Mereka hidup di dalam sangkaan mereka sendiri yang salah.
Mereka mempercayai adanya masa yang sesuai dan tidak untuk melakukan sesuatu.Hakikatnya mereka tidaktahu SEKARANG adalah masa yang paling tepat!

Tahap 4 - The Newbie

Di tahap keempat ini adalah tahap untuk ‘The Newbie’. ‘The Newbie’ mempunyai sikap-sikap yang sangat positif seperti keinginan untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu baru, mempunyai kemahiran-kemahiran yang diperlukan, namun kekurangan pengalaman.
Golongan ini mempunyai pegangan tersendiri iaitu "If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself." Ini bermakna mereka akan melakukan KESEMUA kerja-kerja berkaitan perniagaan mereka, dan secara langsung ianya tidak memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk memperkembangkan perniagaan mereka.

Ciri-ciri untuk golongan ‘The Newbie’ ini adalah;

Kebanyakan dari usahawan Internet JATUH di-level ini.
Mereka keliru dengan pendekatan yang betul untuk memasarkan sesuatu produk.Kurangnya pemahaman terhadap asas di dalam pemasaran.Tiada visi. Gagal untuk melihat perniagaan mereka dari segi jangka panjang.

Tahap 5 - The Marketer

‘The Marketer’ telah mencapai tahap dimana mereka hampir mencapai kejayaan tersendiri. Mereka telah menjana pendapatan akan tetapi mereka kurang dari segi cita-cita untuk membina sebuah perniagaan berasaskan Internet, dan bukannya hanya memiliki laman web yang menjana pendapatan sahaja.

Mereka ini mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti;

Takut untuk keluar dari zon selesa mereka, walaupun
menjana pendapatan yang tinggi dari Internet.

Kebanyakan memilih untuk 'bermain untuk tidak kalah' dari 'bermain untuk MENANG'.
Memiliki perniagaan yang berpotensi untuk dibawah ke tahap seterusnya.

Tahap 6 - The Master

‘The Master’ adalah jutawan. Mereka mempunyai pendapatan 6 angka setahun. Mereka adalah leader di dalam industri mereka. Mereka berpengalaman bekerja di dalam pelbagai
jenis perniagaan. Keupayaan utama ‘The Master’ adalah, mereka boleh memasuki mana-mana sahaja niche, walaupun niche yang mereka masuki itu bukanlah niche kepakaran mereka dan mereka tiada pengalaman di dalam pasaran niche tersebut.

Ciri-ciri mereka dibahagian ‘The Master’ adalah seperti;

Mereka meng-outsource hampir keseluruhan perniagaan
mereka kecuali pemasaran
Tidak pernah berhenti belajar-sentiasa ingin menambah ilmu dan membuat pelaburan untuk diri sendiri.
Mempunyai visi yang jelas dengan apa yang mereka inginkan.
Percaya pada diri sendiri dan keupayaan yang mereka ada.

Tahap 7 - The Entrepreneur

Inilah tahap terakhir didalam hirarki seorang usahawan Internet, ‘The Entrepreneur’.
‘The Entrepreneur’ adalah mereka yang telah mencapai kejayaan tertinggi di dalam hidup mereka.
Mereka menggaji individu-individu yang lebih cemerlang dari mereka untuk memastikan kejayaan perniagaan mereka.

Ciri-ciri ‘The Entrepreneur’ adalah mereka yang; Memiliki visi dan sifat keusahawanan yang tinggi.

Membawa perniagaan mereka menjadi public.
Sentiasa meningkatkan modal.
Menggaji pengurus professional untuk menjalankan perniagaan mereka.
Penyelesaiannya disini, BUKAN sahaja anda membaca senarai tahap-tahap di atas, apa yang anda MESTI lakukan adalah; “Tahu Tahap Anda Sendiri” Ketahui tahap anda. Ketahui kemampuan anda. Ketahui pasaran anda. Fokus kepada kekuatan anda dan JANGAN sesekali cuba untuk mendapatkan sebarang formula (kononnya) untuk cepat kaya dengan bergoyang kaki sahaja.

TERKINI :Elakkan Diri Anda Dari Menyertai Skim IniKini saya dapat melihat satu 'trend' baru scammers di Malaysia untuk mengaut duit anda dengan 'mudah'. Caranya adalah dengan membina laman web yang bercirikan dibawah:

Konsep 'reseller'
Menggunakan kaedah 'forced matrix' (kononnya setiap
reseller akan mampu menjana pendapatan sehingga RM XX,XXX dengan mudah.
Menggunakan ebook-ebook berbayar usahawan Internet lain sebagai produk utama mereka.
Menjual ebook dan perisian lain secara pukal.


Maaf jika tulisan saya sedikit besar. Namun itulah pendirian saya. Dan dibawah adalah SEBAB mengapa sayaberpendirian sedemikian:

Program ini menggunakan produk orang lain TANPA kebenaran pemilik produk tersebut.
TIADA langsung sebarang nama pemilik laman web/program diletakkan didalam laman web tersebut.
Dari situ ia jelas menunjukkan bahawa pemilik program ini DENGAN MUDAH AKAN MELARIKAN WANG ANDA sekiranya terdapat sebarang masalah dikemudian hari. Iyalah,
siapa yang hendak dipersalahkan, kan?
TIADA faedah kepada anda. Skim-skim sebegini biasanya akan menguntungkan penganjur-penganjurnya sahaja.
Bukankah lebih baik anda mencipta produk anda sendiri daripada menjual hak orang lain, lagi banyak untung yang anda akan dapat, kan?
Jadi, adakah anda ingin berurusan dengan mereka yang TIDAK dikenali seperti penganjur program-program reseller seperti diatas?



Setelah anda dibentangkan dengan lima pembohongan ini, saya amatlah berharap ia dapat memperbaiki mind-set anda, sekaligus dapat menghindarkan anda dari menjadi salah seorang dari mangsa penipuan-penipuan SCAM di Internet. Business is still business. Perniagaan Internet tiada bezanya dengan perniagaan konvensional.Perlukan kerja keras, konsisten, fokus, dan tidak mudah putus asa. Maaf sedikit ber-cliche, namun inilah realitinya. Moga dengan pendedahan melalui laporan ini, anda selepas ini…

“TIDAK Akan Lagi Menjadi MANGSA Penipuan Skim-Skim Cepat Kaya”

Saya boleh memilih untuk menyenaraikan satu persatu skimskim cepat kaya ini, namun ini bukanlah tujuan saya menulis laporan ini.

Laporan ini bertujuan untuk mendidik anda bagaimana untuk membina sebuah mind-set perniagaan yang betul dan beretika. Anda kini telah ditunjukkan jalan, sekarang semuanya
tertakluk kepada diri anda sendiri.Berfikir dahulu sebelum menyertai peluang-peluang kekayaan jangka pendek. Semoga sejarah lama tidak akan berulang lagi. Wassalam.

“Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can becomegreat.”
-Mark Twain-

”He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”
-Muhammad AliSumber-


Sorylah lama tak posting dalam website ni.
sejak kebelakangan ni saya banyak membuat site projek.
akan tetapi saya akan teruskan ajenda seterusnya dalam web site ini untuk anda semua..

Sunday, November 4, 2007



Happy Deepavali to all indian whatever u are.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Get Rich from the Internet

Website advertising is the surefire way to make money
on the internet. There is no major upfront fees so you
can start making money without losing your life's
savings. There is a catch though, you have to have to
put a lot of time and effort into building a great
website. But once it's built you just sit back reap the
profits with little maintenance (unless you have
update content on a regular basis).
The key to a great site is content and ease of use. You
need to make your audience want to come and look at
your site. It's even better if you can provide content
that changes on a regular basis. This way you not only
rely on new visitors but returning ones as well. A
couple of great ideas for site content that will bring
returning visitors is running a forum or a chat site.
Setting them up is easy and the net is full of free
content that tells you exactly how to include
advertising with them. Bluehost (found in the related
links page) is a website hosting company that offers
both forum and chat software for free when you
purchase a hosting package through them. I use
Bluehost and this is what I set up as a forum and chat
site. I'm not an html (website language) genius but I
think they look pretty darn good for paying only $6.95/
So you've sat down and thought really hard about
what you want to create a website about. Now you
need to build it. I'm not going to get into html code or
anything like that so I'll assume you've got that
figured now. If you don't, you can get a copy of
Microsoft FrontPage which is what I use and
recommend for a beginner. FrontPage offers website
templates which let you fill in a few fields of
information and then it will do the rest of the website
creation for you.
Now that you have content you need to insert your
advertising. I've tried Google Adsense (right side) and
found that it's not all that good for making money
because you don't get paid for every ad click (see related links to learn more). In order for Google to
work well you need to understand how they operate
and play by their rules. (Click here for more info on
using Googles adsense program) But then I found
another company called SearchFeed (who does pay for
every ad click).
SearchFeed offers free signup and allows you to
choose the ads that go on your site. If you go with
Google, they pick the ads according to your site
content which doesn't really work out that great. What
ends up happening is you have ads that compete with
your content and take your returning clients away
from you (but you can use their competitive ad filter to
remove competitors ads). You also have to wait until
your profits reach $100 before they payout
(SearchFeed is $35).
Once your signed up with SearchFeed, login to your
account and go to the integration tools menu. Here
you will find 7 different options to choose from. We
will only worry about 2 of them. the most important
and easiest one will be the Dynamic Feed Creator. This
is where you choose the content that you want to
advertise on your site. Click on it and we will look at it
The Dynamic Feed Creator has 10 form fields to play
with. Four of them can be left alone (Display Title,
Title, Title Color and Display URL). The 5 on the left
side are fairly self explanatory. The Box Width can be
in a percentage or number of pixels. Most monitors are
set to 800 pixels wide but I usually just leave it at

The Search Term box is where you type the keyword
for the ads you want to display. On the left side of this
page you can see what the ads will look like. To add
them to your website, just copy and paste the html
code into the page you want it on in FrontPage and
then you will see a little box where you pasted the
code. Click on this box and select 'treat as HTML tags'.
If you can't see any ads that's ok as long as you can
get them to show up when you click on the preview
button at the bottom of the screen.
The second best feature that SearchFeed offers is the
Search Engine Generator. This is what it looks like
once you have one created. Type something in the box
and click on search.
A SearchFeed' search box has a downside, it's not
good for searching for everything but it is good for
shopping. So what I do is change the name of the
search box to 'Shop' so people know that that's what
it's there for. To get get more info on how to use this
service just check out the SearchFeed site. They tell
you everything you need to know.
Once your site is built and ready to go, you need to get
visitors. There is 2 ways to do this. One is free ant he
other isn't. I'll start with the free one first. Submit
your site to as many search engines and other related
sites that you can. See if you can find a web ring to
join and tell everyone you know that you site exists
and that they should check it out. Be very enthusiastic
about what it is you offer your visitors so that they will
get excited and want to see it. If they want to know
exactly what it's about, keep the info you tell them
very vague. If you tell them too much they will think
they know everything about it and won't take a look.
The other way is through advertising your site on
other sites. You can sign up with Google Adwords and
use a pay per click advertising method. You choose the
keywords you want to trigger you ads and how much

I hope this little article helps you out like it has helped your willing to pay for each click.me. Remember to be creative and try things out.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

1-2 Email Copy Punch

The 1-2 Email Copywriting Punch:
How To Get Your Emails Opened, Read, and Responded To


The power of email marketing is truly the "killer app" of
the Internet. (Yes, it still works and will continue
working.) Personally, I've witnessed some incredible
results from my own email marketing campaigns:

* $43,668.73 in 24 hours from a tiny list of 4200
people and that figure ballooned to over six-figures
in less than 4 days.

* 2 emails brought in over $52,275.00 in less than
14 days from a tiny group of 1267 recipients.

And if you read on, I'll share with you 2 little-known
factors to achieving results like this in your own email
marketing campaigns. I call it my "one-two knockout punch"!

The first thing you have to realize is what I'm about to
share has been around *way* before the Internet. The simple
truth is that people don't change and if you understand
human psychology you can make lots and lots of money

Your first job is get your email opened. Now, I'm going to
make an assumption here; That you are only using your own
opt-in list, I don't have enough room here to tell why you
should - so please just trust me.

Now, according to eMarketer.com, Americans get an average
of 15.2 email messages a day and that number continues to
rise. That means unless your email's subject line is
compelling - your message will wind up in the trash faster
than you can blink!

One of the best ways to create a persuasive subject line is
to incorporate curiosity. Here are a few examples of
powerful subject lines:

Hi ! ... just checking in ...

- I'm finally spilling my guts...

- I goofed...

, what do you think?

, Oh no, you didn't

Open this before 7:15 p.m

* * *

When you receive something like this in your email box,
it's very hard not to take a peek and open it up. Remember
this is very important, your subject line is like a
kamikaze bomber, its only job is to get your email opened.

Side note: Every part of your email has to have a job to do
and the body of your email is no different. I've had the
most success sending out a small 'teaser' in the email and
then directed them to a web site for full details to
close the sale.

Okay, so now what?

Once you got your prospect to open the email, you had
better grab their attention and keep them reading. Frankly,
the absolute best way in the world I know is to use a

From the ancient times to current day - stories continue to
hold readers and listeners spellbound. There is nothing
better than a good story. It works almost like magic. You
can give people information and motivate using stories
without having the barriers that come up normally. This is
a seldom used copywriting technique that work wonders in

Here are a few examples I've successfully used:

* * *

Hi ,

I stumbled across something unusual recently....

And as a valued subscriber I wanted to let you know about

A few months ago I met a man named John Harricharan at a
seminar, who graciously offered me his material to review.

I smiled and politely thanked him but I knew that I
probably wouldn't get around to reading it anytime soon.
(You should see my stack of reading material to get to and
I'm actually a quick reader.)

But as luck would have it, I was going away on my honeymoon
one week after this seminar and I decided to bring some
'lighter' reading along.

Honestly, I can't remember the last time I read a book that
didn't deal with the subject of marketing or advertising,
but once I started reading John's material on the airplane
and I couldn't put it down.

It was simply incredible!

(copy continues)...

* * *

* * *

Dear ,

Last month I was sitting on a plane on my way to speak at
an Internet marketing seminar. Instead of catching up on my
reading, I struck up a conversation with my neighbor. He
told me he had just graduated college with a marketing

I hesitated for a second, not knowing if I should tell him
what I really thought, but I went ahead anyway...

I confided in him that I had also graduated with a BS in
marketing, actually a top 25 business school, but that I
*never* learned anything useful in my marketing classes.

He was stunned.

I went on to tell him there was just *one* critical skill
(something I never learned from any stodgy professor) that
has been responsible for the majority of my success, both
online and off.

I know this might seem hard to believe, but it's true and I
have proven it time and time again. As I've grown and built
several successful web sites, plus my offline businesses, I
have always relied on this *one* critical skill.

And do you want to know what I told him it was?

It's simple....

(copy continues)...

* * *

I guarantee by simply using this proven "one-two
knockout punch", I just illustrated, you'll see your next
email campaign produce incredible results. Get ready to
click...send...and make money!

Remember this is just a tiny portion of the copywriting
information covered inside the Ultimate At-Home Internet
Copywriting Workshop.

top 5 questions to ask your mentor

Who do YOU turn to when you need help or advice with your
Internet business?

If you're lucky, you've got friends or family you can count on --
people who have successful online businesses of their own, and
can answer your questions *whenever* you face a challenge.

Having someone like this to mentor you gives you a HUGE

It helps you skip the steep learning curve and avoid costly
mistakes, so you can fast-track your progress and build your
business bigger -- faster.

You can get expert advice that's specifically tailored to YOUR
business -- not just "cookie cutter" solutions that may not work
with your particular business model. Plus, if you're really
lucky, your mentor will help you set and achieve realistic
milestones, so you can hit your revenue goals sooner.

If you DON'T have an experienced businessperson to advise you,
you should seriously consider HIRING someone. If you get the
right person, the return on your investment will be ENORMOUS.

I know HUNDREDS of successful business owners who owe their
success to having a professional mentor.

Take Mark Bowden, of Spex4Less.com, for example...

When Mark built his first web site in 1998, he didn't know
anything about the Internet, and it showed! It took him months of
work just to make his first few sales.

He knew he needed help, so he joined my "Advanced Mentoring
Program." And in just a few months, the advice he got from his
mentor helped him grow his revenue from $1,000... to $5,000... to
$50,000 per month.

In fact, Mark made over $24,000 in just a few days while on a
cruise in the Caribbean!

Nice, huh? Imagine what YOU could do with that kind of income. By
hiring a professional online business mentor, you'll drastically
increase your chances of making serious money with your business
-- in record time.

One thing, though: if you do decide to hire a mentor, make sure
you check their credentials!

The majority of people selling themselves as "coaches" or
"mentors" are either people who have FAILED at their previous
business ventures (and figure it's easier to teach success than
to achieve it themselves)...

... Or, they're used to working with people who are ALREADY
successful with their businesses -- people who have tens of
thousands of dollars to invest (a luxury that most people NEW to
Internet business can't afford.)

Not only that -- they're usually selling a "one-size-fits-all"
program, where you get the exact same information as hundreds of
other people. They don't tell you how to customize the
information to YOUR business -- they leave that up to you to
figure out.

That's not what you should look for in a business mentor. You
want somebody who is going to give advice that fits YOUR personal

So before you make the decision to hire any mentor, here are
FIVE questions you need to ask him or her:

1. Do you specialize in working with online businesses?

2. Who taught YOU about making money online? (Note: you
should check up on that person's credentials, too!)

3. Do you know other mentors and experts that you can call on
if you can’t answer my questions? If so, who are they?

4. Do you customize your program to MY business, or do you
use a “cookie cutter?approach where I’ll be expected to
complete a series of pre-determined “lessons?

5. Are you available to talk to me (one on one) by telephone
when I need it -- not just when it’s convenient for you --
and how quickly can you GUARANTEE that you’ll respond to
my emails?

These questions will help you choose a mentor who truly WILL help
you get on the fast-track to success.

The importance of building search engine friendly web sites

There are many aspects in regards to search engine optimisation. There are on-page procedures
such as optimising meta tags, titles, page copy, urls, alt tags and the like. We also know that
another important aspect is off-page seo whereby a lot of time and effort is put in in order to
obtain quality inbound links to your site. This normally takes the shape of directory submission,
article writing and submission, competition analysis, social media marketing and blogging to name
a few.These are all crucial elements of search engine optimisation and are a major part of any seo
specialists daily chors.

One element of SEO that can be easily overlooked is the building of a web site that is not only
“user friendly” but also “search friendly”. By “search friendly” we mean that the search engines
can crawl and spider your site unimpeded which will enable it to extract all of your content and
in turn index it within the search engines database. After all, what use is getting thousands of
inbound one way links to your site, if your site is not user or search friendly?


Put about 100 bricks in some particular order in a closed room with an open window.
Then send 2 or 3 candidates in the room and close the door. Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours and then analyze the situation.

1.If they are counting the bricks. Put them in the accounts department.

2.If they are recounting them.. Put them in auditing.

3.If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks. Put them in engineering.

4.If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order. Put them in planning.

5.If they are throwing the bricks at each other. Put them in operations.

6.If they are sleeping. Put them in security.

7.If they have broken the bricks into pieces. Put them in information technology.

8.If they are sitting idle. Put them in human resources.

9.If they say they have tried different combinations, yet not a brick has been moved. Put them in sales.

10.If they have already left for the day. Put them in marketing.

11.If they are staring out of the window. Put them on strategic planning.

And then last but not least.

12.If they are talking to each other and not a single brick has been moved. Congratulate them and put them in top management.

make 3 way internet income

Profit Stream #1
$20.00 Monthly Referral Commissions. Enough of those "one-time" commissions. You work
hard to make a sale and you make $15.00 and that's it.
Well, not with Profits Vault Monthly. We offer you a 66% commission EVERY MONTH! You
earn a whopping $20.00 PER CUSTOMER, PER MONTH for as long as they remain an active

Let's do the math...
Refer 1 customer and earn $20.00 per month for life*
Refer 10 customers and earn $200.00 per month for life*
Refer 100 customers and earn $2000.00 per month for life*
Refer 1000 customers and earn $20000.00 per month for life*
*You earn monthly commissions for as long as the
customer is an active member of Profits Vault Monthly.
We provide you with all the training, advertising materials (classified ads, solo mailings, banner
ads, keywords for pay-per-click search engines, etc.) and a ready-made list of high quality places
to advertise online.
You get a website JUST LIKE THIS ONE to promote (your own unique affiliate link!) -- it does all
of the work for you! It will be coded with YOUR Paypal information and you are paid INSTANTLY
via Paypal when someone becomes a member through your referral.
And you are paid every month through your Paypal account for as long as the member remains
active. No waiting on affiliate checks. You are paid in "real time" at the point of purchase. When
someone joins through your referral link, you get paid AT THAT TIME.
That's $20.00 instantly when someone becomes a member through your affiliate link. And $20.00
from that same member for every month they remain active.
Do you see how much we're paying out here? The monthly fee is $29.97 and YOU earn $20.00 of
that in commissions!
The great thing about the affiliate commissions is this: When
you refer just two new members through your link, your own
membership is already paid for and you are actually earning a
profit! It's so easy that most continue to stay active even
if they are only making a small amount of money each month.
Hey, but that's only ONE of the three profit streams of Profits Vault Monthly...

Profit Stream #2
MASTER Reprint Rights to a Product You Can Sell for $19.97. As a member you will receive a
FRESH, NEW information product that you can sell and keep every penny for yourself!
Yep, you'll receive a reprint rights license to a high-quality eBook written by one of the web's most
respected and well known "gurus", Jimmy D. Brown. (That's me :o) If you aren't familiar with my
work, visit http://www.123webmarketing.com. Or, ask around. Anyone who's been involved in web
marketing knows who I am.
Each month you'll receive a brand new product that is available exclusively to members of Profit
Vault Monthly. You will receive a MASTER reprint rights license to the product...meaning you can
sell it to others and authorize them to sell it as well. Anyone who obtains a copy of the monthly
courses will be able to sell them. (But, as a member, you'll have a VERY unique opportunity that
no one else will have. More on that in a minute)
The product will come with a ready-made sales letter, webpage, eBook graphic art and the product
itself. Master reprint rights to these courses are valued at $97.00, but you'll be obtaining the
license as part of your membership.
And members will be the FIRST one's to be able to sell these new products each month, giving you
the first chance at profits. Sell them for $19.97 and keep every penny. It's that simple.
Want a sneak peek? To take a look at the current product
that is available for you to sell for $19.97, Click Here.
Remember how I said that ANYONE who obtains a copy of these products is authorized to sell
them? Remember -- you have MASTER reprint rights and are able to pass on reprint rights to all
who purchase. This is important, because it brings up...

Profit Stream #3
Backend Profits On Customized Affiliate Links. These monthly products will be customized
with YOUR Profits Vault Monthly affiliate code. This is an *exclusive* benefit to members only.
There are two things that make this an incredible profit puller for you...
1. The eBooks themselves do selling for you AUTOMATICALLY.
When a customer buys the monthly product from you, then they
are automatically exposed to your affiliate link and
membership offer for Profits Vault Monthly. Many will join
because they want these same three Profits Streams for
themselves! That's good. It's good because when they join
through your eBook, it will be through YOUR AFFILIATE LINK!
That's $20.00 per month you'll be earning for the lifetime of
the membership, thank you very much!
2. Here's the exciting part. When someone buys the monthly
product from you they have reprint rights -- but they don't
have CUSTOMIZATION RIGHTS! (that's a members only benefit)
So, when they begin to sell the product themselves to their
...it will still remain customized with YOUR AFFILIATE LINK!
And when their customers begin to sell the eBook to still
other customers it will still remain customized with YOUR AFFILIATE LINK!
Unless a person joins Profits Vault Monthly (which means
you'll earn the $20.00 per month affiliate commmission) then
they will be selling copies of the monthly product that have
YOUR affiliate link plugged right in.
Bottom line: Your affiliate link can quickly be in front of
hundreds and thousands of potential
That means more customers. Which means more $20.00
commissions deposited into your Paypal account!

*NOTE* There is an additional option available for customization. In each of the monthly products
there are also references to other products and services available online. You can choose (there
is a small fee for customization) to have these links also customized with your affiliate links to
THEIR programs as well. Your monthly membership reprint rights products can actually turn
into a super salesman for you, promoting multiple affiliate programs automatically and

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Beli hosting dengan kadar yang berpatutan

Salam sejahtera semua saudara dan saudari.

adakah anda sedang tercari - cari hosting yang menawarkan pakej yang menarik dan berpatutan?.
Disini saya ingin mengesyorkan kepada anda satu web hosting yang boleh dikira berpatutan untuk dibeli.Menggunakan kadar matawang Malaysia serta web hosting ini mengutamakan pelanggan mereka.

Disini saya ada sertakan sedikit tentang web hosting yang saya katakan ini.

How long do I have to wait before I can use my domain?

Domains will be activated immediately after receiving your payment, but the nameserver information can take up to 72 hours to propagate to all DNS servers worldwide.

How much commission do I get?
RM2 bonus will be given for FREE when you activate your affiliate link. 10% commission from the total sales will be given.
For example, if you refer a client and they bought at the price of RM100, you will get RM10 as your commission.

Do I own the FREE domain that you provided?

The FREE domain (Web Hosting + Free Domain) is 100% yours, where you can manage, transfer or sell at any time.

anda akan di ajar cara-cara untuk membeli hosting ini.Jangan bimbang,jika anda ada masalah emailkan saja masalah anda kepada admin mereka.
disini saya sertakan link site Nekwork KL :


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Saya mengesturkan kepada sesiapa yang baru berjinak jinak dalam pembikinan laman web supaya membeli hosting yang asas dahulu kerana jangan membeli hosting yang saisnya besar selalu jika anda tidak tahu apa yang akan anda hendak isi dalam hosting anda.bertindaklah dengan bijak.Lagi sekali saya sertakan laman web ini....



Kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menambah pendapatan atau sedang mencari peluang membuat duit dengan cara yang mudah adalah dengan menjadikan program ini sebagai platfrom untuk menjana duit.
Jika berminat sila lawati laman web ini : http://www.freewebs.com/arjunagt/

Jangan tunggu lama-lama.peluang sudah ada di depan mata.Rebut peluang sementara ia masih ada.Menawarkan hadiah hadiah yang lumayan untuk anda yang mahu mengetahui selok belok dalam membuat duit dengan mudah.
Lawati laman web ini.Tak rugi mencuba.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Why You Should Become an eBay's Successful Seller

Are you currently looking for ways to make money online? If you are, you may have come across eBay. eBay is known as an online auction website. What is nice about eBay is that just about anyone can become an eBay seller, including you. What does this mean for you? Essentially, it means that if you have items to sell, you can do so on eBay; while making money at the same time. So, if you are currently looking for ways to make money online, you are urged to examine becoming an eBay seller, as there are a number of reasons as to why you should.

Perhaps, the greatest reason as to why you should become an eBay seller is because there are no minimum auction requirements. For you, this means that you could just test the waters if you wanted to. If you were unsure as to whether or not you should rely on eBay to make money, you may want to sell a few items that you no longer need and see how it goes. Should you like the eBay selling experience, you could continue on. However, if you were not satisfied with the results, you could stop selling on eBay right away. eBay is flexible to all sellers, particularly those just getting started.

Another reason why you should become an eBay seller is because it is easy to do. eBay has a relatively easy learning curve. When listing an auction or selling an item on eBay, you are given step-by-step instructions on how you list your items and get your auctions up and running. As long as you follow the instructions provided to you by eBay, you could have your items listed online in a matter of minutes. It has been said that those with minimal computer experience are also able to sell on eBay, without any problems.

Speaking of the items that you want to sell on eBay, you will find that you can sell just about anything on eBay, within reason. There are only a few restrictions, which include inappropriate content and such. For a detailed list of prohibited eBay items, you will want to visit eBay’s help center. Despite a few restrictions, there are a large number of items that can be sold on eBay. These items include real estate, vehicles, clothing, toys, movies, books, gaming consoles, computers, beauty items, and much more. Whether you are looking to sell something that you have in your home, something you bought from a yard sale or a thrift store, or something that can be dropped shipped from another company, you should be able to do so online with eBay.

The ability to make a profit is another one of the many reasons as to why you should become an eBay seller. What is nice about eBay is that they let you set your own price for your auctions. In fact, if you would rather outright sell your products, instead of selling them in a bidding auction, you can do so with “Buy It Now,” listings. The ability to set your own prices is one the many reasons why you should check out eBay. Having the ability to set your own prices increases your chances of being able to make a profit on eBay.

If you would like to become an eBay seller, and as previously mentioned there are a number of reasons as to why you should, you will want to register for a free eBay account. Although your eBay account is free, it will cost a small amount of money to sell items on eBay. Your eBay selling fees will all depend on how much you list your items for, as well as how much they sell for. Despite having to pay small fees, eBay is more than worth your time. The least that you should do is give it a shot. As previously mentioned, if your eBay selling experience doesn’t go as well as you had originally hoped for, you can stop and look for other online money making opportunities.

The Seven Secrets of Inspiring Leaders

American business professionals are uninspired. Only 10% of employees look forward to going to work and most point to a lack of leadership as the reason why, according to a recent Maritz Research poll. But it doesn't have to be that way. All business leaders have the power to inspire, motivate, and positively influence the people in their professional lives.
