Friday, September 28, 2007

25 Top Tips for handling homework

Keep homework supplies close at hand.
“Mom! Where’s the stapler?” To avoid digging through
drawers, create a cache of homework supplies and
keep it close to where your child works. Dedicate a
desk drawer, box, or bin with often-used items.The
supply list provided by the teacher is a great resource.
Or use the list to the right as a starting point.

Be flexible about your child’s study place.
Not every child works best sitting at a desk in a
silent room. Ask your child how he likes to study—
lying on the floor, sitting on his bed with a lap desk,
or at the kitchen table amidst the bustle of dinner
preparations. Some kids like background noise;
others prefer quiet. While television is almost always
a distraction, music is welcome white noise to many
kids. Your child’s favorite study environment might
change as he grows and may vary depending upon
the type of work. The key is to be flexible while
ensuring that homework is completed.

Set aside everything not related to the task at hand.
When your child comes home in a panic because of
homework assignments in multiple subjects, ease her
overwhelmed feeling by helping her focus on one
thing at a time. Review everything that needs to be
done and choose one assignment to start with.
Gather and organize the materials needed to
complete the chosen task and set everything else
aside until it’s time to tackle the next assignment.

Use a homework planner to record assignments.
Help ensure that all your child’s homework arrives
home each day by teaching him to record each
assignment as it’s given. A daily planner (print or
electronic) or assignment sheet provides a central
place to record assignments. He can review the sheet
at the end of each day and make sure the needed
materials are in his book bag. If necessary, his
teacher can review and initial the assignment sheet to
ensure the assignment was recorded correctly.

Save links to useful reference sites on the Internet.
The Internet is full of helpful “homework help”
websites. These sites, divided by subject, can help
your child with tricky assignments and research
projects. Another benefit: in order to find the right
information, your child must first understand what
she needs to know, and that’s the first step toward
solving a problem. Save the addresses of a few of
these sites in the “Favorites” file of your web browser.

A home reference library is an invaluable
homework aid. A small library of reference materials, in either print or
electronic form, can be a handy resource for your child.

Schedule time for homework every day—and stick
to it.When school starts each fall, schedule homework into
your family’s daily routine. With your child, agree on a
specific time period for doing homework, including
some weekend time. Even when there are no
assignments to complete, adhere to the schedule by
using homework time for review or reading.

Avoid an abrupt transition from playtime to
It can be hard for kids to switch from playing or other
pleasurable activities to concentrating on homework.
Make the transition easier by giving your child a small
task before she settles down to work. Assigning a job
she usually does without a fuss creates a more gradual
shift from play to homework and puts your child in a
“work” frame of mind.

Help your child get started with homework, then
back off.If your child is unsure about an assignment, set him
on the right track by sitting together and reviewing
the instructions. Check his understanding by having
him explain how he will proceed, then stay close by
while he answers the first few questions. With his
confidence built, you can back off and let him
complete the rest of the assignment on his own.

Tackle assignments in the best sequence for
your child.
When your child has several homework assignments,
some she can breeze through and others that take
more effort, which should she tackle first? That
depends on your child and on the particular mix of
assignments. Starting with easier work and moving
toward the more challenging builds your child’s
confidence. On the other hand, getting the tough stuff
done first lets her breathe a sigh of relief. Try both
approaches to see which works best. But don’t be
afraid to mix it up—if she’s frustrated with a tricky
assignment, suggest she set it aside in favor of
something easier. She’ll return to the challenging
assignment refreshed and with renewed determination.

Set a timer to pace homework sessions.
If your child has difficulty focusing on homework long
enough to complete it in one sitting, use a kitchen
timer to set agreed-upon study and break times. Work
together to estimate the total work time needed, and
then break the total into smaller chunks. Thirty
minutes of math homework might be broken into two
15-minute work periods with a five-minute stretching
or snack break. Adjust the work and break intervals to
suit your child’s age, temperament, and the intensity
of the homework.

Set intermediate goals for long-term projects.
Make long-term projects manageable by helping your
child break the project into smaller goals. Set a target
for when each goal will be met, leading to completion
of the entire project. This process helps your child
focus on a smaller aspect of the assignment, keeps
him motivated, and teaches him planning skills.

When your child hits a roadblock, ask questions that
guide her to the answer.
Rather than giving your child the answer when she’s
stuck, ask questions to get her thinking about how to
solve the problem on her own. If she’s stumped by a
math problem, look at the last problem she successfully
solved. Ask, “What was the first step you took to
solve this one?” Lead her through the steps until the
tricky one becomes clear. Your questions will prompt
her to take small steps toward breaking a roadblock.

Use your child’s homework time to do your
own work.
When your child sits down to tackle homework, join
him by taking care of your own “homework” at the
same time. Choose chores that are interruptible if
your child needs your help and set a good example by
not working while watching television.

Let your own upbeat attitude toward learning rub off
on your child.
If your child senses that you dread homework
sessions, she’ll dread them too. A positive attitude,
particularly when your child is facing a tough
assignment, goes a long way toward taking the
tedium out of the daily work. Keep in mind, though,
that teachers are sometimes unreasonable in the
timing or amount of homework they assign. Help your
child resolve such challenges by asking the
school/teacher what their homework policy is.

Avoid rescuing your child from homework
All kids, at some point, forget their homework or put it
off until it becomes a crisis. When that happens, avoid
stepping in to fix things. Instead, guide your child
through the steps needed to salvage the situation. If
he’s forgotten his assignments, for example, sit with
him while he checks the school’s homework web page
or calls a classmate. If an assignment cannot be
completed on time, instead of writing a note to the
teacher yourself, have your child write it, explaining
why the work is late and requesting an extension.
Both of you should sign the note. Letting your child
take responsibility for his mistakes gives him valuable
problem-solving experience.

Be available for help as a consultant.
Your child’s homework is hers to do, not yours. Let her
know that you are willing to help but limit yourself to a
consultant role. Avoid evaluating your child’s work
unless she specifically requests your opinion. It’s OK
to point out mistakes, but let your child decide
whether to correct them. Seeing the errors will help
the teacher understand your child’s learning process.

Recognize when outside help is required.
There may be times when you are not the best person
to help your child with homework. If working together
leads to frustration, look for outside help. This need
not mean costly tutors or joining a homework center.
You could, for example, make a trade with a
classmate’s parent: you agree to work with both kids
on English assignments if she takes on science. Or
recruit an older sibling or your spouse. It’s better to
maintain your relationship as a loving parent than get
into a cycle of anger and aggravation over homework.

Sometimes you have to say “enough is enough.”
Everyone has his limit, and there may be occasions
when your child becomes too tired or frustrated to
continue on an assignment. That’s the time to stop. If
possible, your child can return to the assignment later
on. When the work is due the next day, write a note to
the teacher explaining that he completed as much as
he could. Know when to be your child’s ally and avoid
letting homework push him to the brink of a meltdown.

File completed assignments for quick reference.
Completed homework assignments are a valuable
resource. Your child can refer to them to check how
he solved problems in the past, see progress made in
each subject, and detect patterns of errors. To set up
a homework history, create a color-coded file folder
for each subject. File completed assignments in order
as his teacher returns them.

Take the time to review your child’s graded
Make a point of reviewing your child’s homework
assignments after they have been graded and
returned by the teacher. This review is an opportunity
to praise work done well and progress made. You will
also see trouble spots and areas where extra practice
is needed. When you treat homework as an important
part of school and learning, your child will value its
importance too.

Give your child small rewards for reaching goals.
Providing an occasional reward for reaching
homework goals can be a great motivator. When your
child faces a particularly difficult assignment, offering
an incentive (such as letting her choose the next
movie rental) could be just what she needs to get
through it. Also consider incentives for longer-term
goals like completion of a complicated project.
Rewarding her for hard work is similar to promising
yourself, “When I finish painting the back door, I’m
going to sit down and read for a while.”

Encouraging your child to teach you gives him
It’s true that teaching others reveals how much you
really know. Turn the tables on your child and have
him show you how to complete his assignments. Ask
a lot of “how,” “why,” “when,” and “who” questions.
Giving explanations helps your child think through
concepts and step-by-step processes and discloses
areas where more work is needed. You can then work
together to fill in the gaps in his knowledge.

Tie homework to your child’s interests
whenever possible.
Kids are often able to choose their own topic for
homework assignments or projects. Use those
opportunities to relate the work to something your
child is passionate about. For example, if an English
assignment requires that your child write five
compound sentences, suggest that she write about
her favorite hobby, a recent family trip, or her pet. The
work goes faster and is more fun when your child is
truly engaged in the subject.

Try tackling homework in an unusual location.
Make homework time a special occasion by moving
the study area to an offbeat place. Set up homework
camp in a tent in the backyard or living room. Spread
out under a tree or in a tree house. Try the top bunk
or even a walk-in closet. Just be sure to take along all
the usual homework supplies so everything your child
needs is close at hand.

Foxkeh, Mascot For Firefox Promotions In Japan

Hi Everyone, I am Foxkeh.

Let’s meet Foxkeh, the mascot of Mozilla Japan! This little fox was named Foxkeh after FIREFOX and SUKE, the suffix of common boy’s name in Japan.

It was created a Mozilla Japan staff for Firefox promotion in Japan but it is not a mascot character of the Mozilla Firefox. Hence, it will not appear either in the default theme or icons of the Firefox. It’s a pity Foxkeh is not made as th official mascot because it’s uniqueness truly represents Firefox in my opinion.

Foxkeh has become more popular since its appearance in last September. Even it’s now available as a Spread Firefox! affiliate banner.

If you are not using Firefox for web browsing, I would highly recommend you to start using Firefox as your default web browser.

Foxkeh banners for Firefox 2

Top 100 Tips To Expand Your Web Presence

101 Ways to Expand Your Web Presence

1. If you’re launching a new site, or new content, write an introduction and submit it to share sites like Digg, Reddit and Now Public.
2. Create a Yahoo Group in the niche your site sits.
3. Create a MySpace account and use it to publisise your site.
4. Bookmark your site on and if you’re really keen, add a button to your homepage.
5. Create a Technorati account and “claim” your blog.
6. Submit your site to free, search engine friendly directories. An excellent list can be found at Info Vilesilencer.
7. Conduct a survey. This is an excellent way to generate offline publicity.
8. Place a free ad for your company on Gumtree.
9. Syndicate your site’s content by using an RSS feeds.
10. Submit your RSS feeds to agregator sites like FeedBurner, Squidoo, Feedboy, Jordomedia, FeedBomb, FeedCat, rssmad, feeddirectory and feedfury. Stolen from DigitalPoint
11. Write an article related to your site and submit it to article sites.
12. Sign up to StumbleUpon and get your friends to Stumble your site.
13. Create a custom 404 page so that even if someone encounters an error on your site, they are re-directed somewhere nice.
14. Set up a 301 redirect to take traffic from your non-www address to your www address. See here for more info.
15. Add a link to your site in the signature of any forums you post on.
16. Tell your friends about your site. It’s free advertising init.
17. Speel cheek ur stie. Nothing appears more amateur than a site with typos or spelling mistakes.
18. Test your site and make sure it appears correctly in all major browsers.
19. Buy enough hosting. No one likes a slow site.
20. Don’t worry about PageRank - worrying about PageRank is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.*
21. Offer something for free. Free is good. People tell their friends about free stuff.
22. Tell your neighbours, you never know what contacts they might have.
23. Offer your users as many ways as possible to contact you. MSN, Skype, Yahoo etc all complement email, phone and a real address.
24. Advertise your site on Craigslist. It’s free, relevant and localised.
25. Do NOT use frames.
26. Submit your site to It may take time, but it’s worth it.
27. Create an XML sitemap of your site and submit it to Google.
28. Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.
29. Ask a large breasted lady to wear one too.
30. Sign up with an affiliate programme to sell your product, or if you’re a publish, make some cash!
31. On your Contact Page ask people if they mind receiving your newsletter.
32. Send out a newsletter!
33. Go to a free seminar for Website owners. You might learn something.
34. Find quality and relevant blogs and leave a comment (with a link back to your site of course).
35. Don’t pay people to submit your site to search engines. It’s a waste of money.
36. YouTube and Google Video are excellent portals on which to launch a viral campaign.
37. Giving away an eBook is an excellent way to generate word-of-mouth about your site.
38. Sponsor a Wordpress theme or a phpListDirectory template.
39. If you sell products that are advertised on television by the manufacturer, add “As Seen on TV” to your site!
40. Avoid proprietry technologies like Java and Active X.
41. Put downloadable content on your site, but make sure it’s not manufacturer specific - so mp3 rather than wma.
42. Learn about CSS. It’s the new HTML.
43. Contribute to related subject areas on Wikipedia.
44. Ask bloggers and other Web site owners to review your site and/or products.
45. Have user friendly page names - most tools comes with some way to avoid
46. If you must have a Flash homepage, make sure you have a “Skip Intro” link.
47. Tell your local rag about your site. These newspapers are desparate for stories and you may well even get a pic of your ugly picture published.
48. Become a leading authority on your chosen subject.
49. Donate money to a charity and most will place a link on their site back to you.
50. Abide to W3C standards - it will help your site in the long term.
51. Your local community sports teams offer cheap, but highly effective sponsorship opportunities.
52. Publisise your site on related forums - but don’t spam!
53. Ask bloggers to write about your site or product - in return for a link of course.
54. Offer a competition related to something in the news - so football around the time of the World Cup etc.
55. Add a “Tell a Friend” function to your site, so people can easily recommend you to their mates.
56. Have a Sitemap on your site to allow users to navigate around quickly and to aid the search engines.
57. Have a nice keyword rich title at the top of each of your pages. Users and search engines both like descriptive titles.
58. Include a Feedburner button on your site so people can easily subscribe to your feed.
59. If you use PPC then create a landing page for each of your AdWords - it’ll boost your conversations no end.
60. Appear on Dragon’s Den.
61. Create a Press section on your site where can you store all your press releases, logos and banners.
62. Add a link to your site from within your eBay profile.
63. Ask your friends to give you honest feedback on your site.
64. The best way to find someone to do any kind of work on your site is through personal recommendation.
65. Gain exposure by submitting photos and pictures to Flikr.
66. Share your banners on banner exchange sites.
67. Make sure it’s easy for your users to subscribe to your RSS feed.
68. Create a “lense” for your site on Squidoo
69. Ask friends, collegues and associates to “Favourite” your blog on Technorati.
70. You can add a Bulletin to your MySpace account promoting your site that all your MySpace Friends will see.
71. Response to your customer’s emails promptly, even if it is with a simply auto-responder. No one likes to wait 3 or 4 days for an acknowledgement of their contact with you.
72. Get a professional Copywriter to give your site a once over. If you are on a tight budget, limit to the just the homepage.
73. Make a list, “Top 10″s work well. Update it regularly to give your visitors a reason to return.
74. What did you learn today? Tell other people and they might learn something too.
75. Do you have really hot content on your site that geeks would love? If so Slashdot will bring you a mass of traffic.
76. Deep link directories are an excellent way to promote inner pages of your site.
77. Meta tags might carry less weight than previously, but you should still have them on every page.
78. Ask your Gran for feedback on your site. Never ignore the silver surfers.
79. Include a “Add to your Technorati favourites” button on your site.
80. Google Analytics is free and will tell you all you need to know about who’s visiting your site.
81. Search engines will find you. Don’t pay money for your site to be “submitted”.
82. Don’t be afraid to link to other sites, especially if they are relevant and to highly respected sites.
83. Keep It Simple Stupid: use CSS to control layout, style and colours and use HTML text rather than graphics to represent text.
84. Validate your HTML and CSS. It’ll help ensure your site displays well in all browsers.
85. Small pages sizes and optimised graphics will give your site a snappy feel and won’t require users to wait around for it to load.
86. If you plan to submit your site to lots of directory or article sites - create an email especially for this. Delete it when you’re finished to avoid spam.
87. “Link baiting” means writing some killer content that people will want to link to. Like a “101 Tips to Improve Your Web Presence” list!
88. If your chosen field is technology related then write a “whitepaper”. That’s a posh name for an article.
89. Google receives roughly 50% of all search requests, Yahoo 25% and MSN just 10%. That’s a good rule of thumb as to how much emphisis to put on each.
90. Make sure you have a robots.txt file in the root of your Web site. You can use this to control search engines, but if nothing else it’ll reduce the number of 404 errors in your Weblogs.
91. Free online games, a forum or chatrooms will give your users a reason to come back to your site.
92. Ebooks with re-seller rights make an excellent “free gift” for your site.
93. Upload your product feed to Froogle. It’s FREE!
94. This is an excellent list of Top 25 Social Bookmarking Sites
95. Search out unanswered questions on Yahoo! Answers and add your site as the “Source”.
96. PageRank is vanity, ranking is sanity.
97. Yahoo are catching up with Google with an excellent set of webmaster tools called Site Explorer.
98. Don’t buy traffic. It’s un-targetted and won’t convert.
99. Pay Per Click advertising gets you fast results - and if it’s handled well can be very profitable.
100. Upload a favicon.gif file so that your users have a nice icon when they bookmark your site.
101. And that’s it!

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Making Money From Your Blog - Writing Reviews

Trying to find ways to make a bit of extra cash from your blog?

We all know blogs are pretty useful things for internet marketers. When done properly they can work as a vehicle to promote your affiliate products, earn revenue from Adsense, entice visitors back to your site through fresh content and a comments feature, help to build traffic from long tail search terms, keep your site fresh for the search engines, and generally be twisted and stretched to fill most of your SEO whims.

One thing that you might not have considered, though, is actually being paid directly to write content for your blog.

I’ve recently stumbled upon , and I think it offers a different take on marketing for affiliates: Basically it’s a site set up to connect website owners looking for a little exposure with professional bloggers willing to write reviews.

How does it work?

Bloggers ("reviewers") are able to list themselves on under whatever categories they feel match their blog.

Then the website owners ("reviewees") search for blogs they feel are related to their topic or product.

When the website owner finds a blog he/she like to review his/her product, an offer is made to the blogger. The blogger can accept or refuse the offer… they’re not under any obligation to review products they find dead boring. If the blogger accepts, money changes hands - kaching kaching! - and a review is born. The reviewee takes a moment to consider the review in all its merits and then returns to review the reviewer (essentially) by giving him/her a rating out of five. Bloggers with higher ratings can usually command higher fees per review. The starting rate seems to be around $60 for a review, but shoots up to $2,500 per review (or more) for highly rated, popular blogs in popular categories.

Where this requires a shift in thinking for affiliates is the idea that you’re not paid for performance. You don’t have to do a hard-sell for the product (or a soft-sell, or a "betcha didn’t realize it was a sell"-sell, or any other sell you can think of). You simply need to offer a review. Of course if you don’t actually take a look at the product and just scrape a review off another website, chances are your rating will go down. If you write a good, unbiased review that actually gives your reader (and your advertiser) some information, chances are your rating will be good.

What sort of review should you write?

Different reviewers have different styles. Some provide comprehensive, objective reviews of the products — that’s pretty much what we expect from a review, right? Some reviewers might be tempted to sweeten the review in order to grease up the website owner and glean a nice rating (although this might backfire). Some reviewers might be overwhelmingly critical in order to stir up a bit of attention for themselves and the website owner. It’s up to you. But remember that future potential reviewees will look closely at your past reviews and use them to decide whether to enlist your reviewer skills or not.


  • You’re able to review a wider variety of material. Not just products and websites that ask for some sort of commitment from the visitor, but also regular sites that just want more traffic or on-topic links. You might even get to review affiliate sites!
  • If you do review products they might be products that don’t have affiliate programs, which means much less competition when people search for that-product+review. (You’re not competing with affiliates!)
  • You get your money up front so you’re not reliant on anyone else’s selling ability. If your reviewee doesn’t get good results from your review… that’s no problem for you. You don’t even necessarily need to "sell" the click. If your readers don’t click through to the reviewee’s site… it’s no skin off your nose. Although your reviewee might deem that this is a failure in your review technique and rate you lower.
  • You get to say the bad things if the product or website warrants bad things. As I said before, you’re not selling, you’re reviewing. That said, you need to weigh your reputation as a reviewer against the wrath of the reviewee if you totally bag them in your review.
  • You get extra content for your website! Everyone loves to read reviews of products and websites that they might be interested in, and if you do a really good job of the review, yours might become the "definitive" review of the website or product and attract some nice link love.


  • Short-sighted potential reviewees looking for an SEO boost might not be so interested in your review skills as the traffic or pagerank your site has. This might make it hard to get reviews in the beginning if you don’t already have a high-traffic, high-pagerank site.
  • You can only write so many reviews in a week. Except for the guy charging $2,500 per review, this method of monetization doesn’t have quite as much passive income punch as other methods of making money online.

If you’re looking at an extra income stream for your blog, I would suggest you look into this. Think of it as putting one of your eggs in a different basket. This can be a really good way to further monetize your existing blog, or you could even create an entirely new blog focused around providing reviews. (I would suggest starting off providing reviews for free, and then as you build a reputation as an unbiased reviewer in your niche you could start selling reviews.)

Getting yourself reviewed

While the main focus of this post is on earning money as a reviewer… setting yourself up to be reviewed might also be worth some thought. If you can find a strong blog closely related to the topic of your website, $60 might be a good price to pay for a highly relevant link. If this is your motivation for getting reviewed, be careful that the blog you choose doesn’t use "nofollow" tags on their links.

P.S - Affilorama members, don’t forget to check out the fascinating interview with blogging guru Dave Taylor for more tips on how to make money from your blog.

Google PPA, Google CPA - Will you make more money?

If you are an adwords user, then this will really interest you. If you’re not,
then now it’s a valuable opportunity to get yourself up with the play.

What is Google PPA?

Google Pay Per Aquisition (PPA) is a new model that, instead of paying per
click, or per impression on content network ads, adwords users only pay if the
user completes an action that has been pre-defined (such as purchasing a
product, registering for a newsletter, clicking on an affiliate link on the
landing page and so forth).

Google has just released this PPA model to advertisers who use conversion
tracking and have over 500 conversions from cost per click or cost per
impression based campaigns in the last month.

Even if you do not fit into the above who are on the first wave of this
release, this will likely be released soon to all adwords users, so read on.

Some adwords users feel that they are getting poorer and poorer returns on
their investments from google content match ads. And this new model that google
has just released, MAY (and I feel has a very good chance) make advertising on
the google content network a lot more profitable market. BOTH from the
advertisers perspective AND from a publisher’s perspective (if you publish
google adsense ads on your site).

What you can now do is set up PPA campaigns and then
publishers (adsense earners) can choose to place the PPA ads on their sites.

You have the ability to choose which site you don’t want to appear on and which
sites you do. And adsense earners can choose whether or not they want
particular CPA (cost per aquisition) ads on their site.

To me this is extremely exciting, looking at it from an affiliates perspective,
it means that you can basically run your own Google CPA affiliate program,
while not actually owning the product you are promoting.


Well, suppose that 5% of people who subscribe to your free ’save marriage’
newsletter, purchase ’save my marriage today’ via your affiliate link. Lets say
on average you earn $30 per sale.

Well that means that you earn $1.50 for every subscriber to your newsletter
(and perhaps more over the course of a year or more).

So, now you can place a PPA offer where you might be willing to pay adsense
publishers 75 cents (say) for every subscriber they send your way. Or you may
choose to be conservative and offer 30 cents per valid subscriber.

Adsense publishers can then choose from the various CPA offers and they will be
motivated NOT to get clicks like the pay per click model, BUT by making
actions. Which means that they will have to make their sites more relevant,
place ads in places that are more likely to lead to clicks that are not by
accident. And you won’t have to pay for bogus clicks.

I think this is really exciting, and adsense publishers should be looking
forward to this too because it promises to give them even more opportunities to
earn income from all the CPA offers they’ll have the opportunities of
promoting, while adwords bidders will be much less likely to get burnt by bogus
clicks and poor converting content network bids.

I’m also guessing that google will probably allow adsense publishers to
encourage people to click on the cpa ads, which is good for you as a advertiser
who isn’t paying per click, and is good for them as they can send more people
to the advertisers site and potentially make more money from adsense.

Win - Win.

Ok, so that’s my take, and it’s early days.

What’s your view?


p.s. If you find this post helpful, please tell others about it or link to it from your blog. Perhaps even write your own blog post and quote mine.

Invite Share | Inviteshare - How to Get Invites to Closed Sites

These days when it comes to Web 2.0 beta launches, sites don’t just launch their products and services to the masses anymore. Remember when Google Analytics beta came out? Maybe you don’t, but I was one of the ‘exclusive’ to try it out a long time before it became available to the masses.

In fact I’ve been lucky enough to be in early on a lot of betas. It makes sense too, these sites and products create extra marketing buzz for themselves, while also getting their products and services effectively tested. By the time they officially launch, thousands, if not millions, of people want their products. Much better than just, wham, here it is.. use it.

Quite often when invite only betas are going around, invitees are given a few extra invite tokens that they can give out and that’s where InviteShare comes in. InviteShare has built an exchange for them.

Invite Share ScreenshotFor instance, if you want an invite to a service, such as Joost or Freebase, you can put your name on the list and then if someone has spare passes, they may give you one.

Not all the exclusive web 2.0 sites are in there, but there are a lot and this service has been growing at a franetic rate (2-4k Alexa over the past week).

All in all to summarize, InviteShare allows people to give and get invites to closed sites. Will it be the next web 2.0 hit to follow Myspace, Digg, YouTube and others? Maybe not that big, but time will tell.

Speed PPC Review

Last week you may have heard a lot of noise surrounding the launch of Speed PPC .

For those of you who don’t know, Speed PPC allows you to build incredibly fast, highly targeted pay per click campaigns for Google and MSN (and Yahoo for that matter, as you can easily import your Speed PPC-built Google ads into Yahoo). And also helps you to build a landing page and customize the words on that page to fit the keywords you’ve entered.

There is a lot of merit in Speed PPC. The basic idea is that in any market there is usually a core set of search keywords, followed by an incredibly long tail of targeted keywords. The problem with targeting long-tail keywords in PPC campaigns is simply the sheer amount of time and effort that needs to be put into creating these campaigns and designing targeted landing pages for the keywords. If you’re creating adgroups and landing pages for thirty keywords then it’s usually not so much of a problem doing it manually… but for a couple of thousand long tail search terms? No thanks!

If I’ve lost you, don’t worry, here’s an example:

Lets say you are a member of Commission Junction and you decide to promote an online dating product.

The main search terms for this market are:

online dating
online dating site
on line dating

…. and so forth.

But the deeper matches are search terms like:

los angeles online dating
online dating los angeles
meet someone online in los angeles
find a date los angeles
los angeles dating
meet a woman los angeles
meet a man los angeles


The problem is, by the time you’ve set up a separate ad group for the top 200 cities in the United States, plus all the different US states, plus a whole host of other countries (Canada, UK and so forth), you find that you have had to set up HUNDREDS of adgroups, not to mention writing targeted ads AND landing pages for each of these.

Hard work eh?

Well, I’m one of those guys who does that. In fact, till Speed PPC came along I had been using some software I’d developed in-house that made it a little easier. But I have to say it’s nowhere near as easy to use, nor comprehensive as Speed PPC.

Basically, using Speed PPC I can set up all these hundreds of adgroups and landing pages in a matter of hours.

Speed PPC claims it takes 12 minutes, but there is more to it than that. They don’t tell you about how long it actually takes to upload the campaigns, nor do they account for the amount of time it takes to design your landing page and so forth. But within about half a day I can do what used to take me (or one of my staff members) over a week to set up.

Powerful stuff. Here are some screencaps:

Speed PPC screencap

speed ppc screencap

Speed ppc screencap

The biggest problem I have faced so far using Speed PPC has been with my Google Adwords account limit. The first time I used Speed PPC I tried to add about 35,000 keywords across about 680 adgroups. Google sort of gasped and said I was over my limit.

Note that Google, being Google, won’t actually tell you what this "limit" is, and they won’t raise it unless you provide them with a good reason. I gave them a good reason and they bumped it up for me, although I later changed my mind about running with 35,000 keywords. Even for me, that’s going a little overboard! Fortunately Speed PPC explains how to reduce the number of adgroups in a campaign properly, so you don’t end up bidding on too many keywords that don’t get any searches.

So far I’ve only been using Speed PPC for a short time for one campaign with about 200 adgroups in it and about 6000 keywords. I went for very, VERY niched keywords with search volumes so low that I normally would not have bothered to set up adgroups for them.

And the results so far? I’m currently sitting $100 in profit for this campaign. Not anything to write home about, but it is just my first test, and I have started out with very niched search terms.

In conclusion:

If you are serious about making big money from PPC then I’m certain that this will be a big help to you. If you are a newbie, it’s probably too expensive right now and you should be doing everything manually until you get to experience the benefits of creating targeted campaigns.

I’ll make a video on my use of Speed PPC in about 6 months time (when I have some solid profits to show from it). I’m certain I’ll be making a lot of money out of this tool.

If you are already making money from PPC, then you should definitely check out the video demo of Speed PPC.

Check it out.

All the best!!

Mark Ling

P.S. I have recently finished recording a camtasia video interview with an affiliate who is earning over $100k a month from pay per click search engines. Seeing as this interview was so good I’ve decided that I’m going to put this video on Youtube and on my blog. You’ll learn a LOT from it, so stay tuned for more info!

The 10 steps to online success


Use research tools like Wordtracker to find a niche market of
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Write compelling copy that leads your visitors smoothly through
your sales process.


Turn your website into a selling machine using a simple design,
easy navigation, and automation.


Create "paid search" ads that attract INSTANT traffic (without
draining your bank account!) and use free search engines to get
your site "front and center."


Use strategies like article-sharing and press releases to drive
even MORE people to your site.


Build a subscriber list of people who WANT to hear from you, so
you can convince them to buy over time.


Offer your customers even more products you know they want to buy.


Recruit an army of salespeople to sell your products on their
websites (and you won't have to pay them a dime unless they help
you make a sale!)


Create dozens of new streams of income to multiply your revenues.


Bring visitors back to your site again and again using the
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Of course, this is just a brief overview... Our guaranteed
10-step system includes so many tested and proven strategies you
can use to create a highly profitable website, I can't begin to
list them all here.

I'll be sharing a lot of these proven strategies with you in the
"IMC Insider" newsletter and in emails like this one.

But if you're impatient for success and want to get your hands on
the complete system right away -- complete with step-by-step
action plans that walk you through the entire process -- then you
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Monday, September 24, 2007

How Google AdSense work

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, text-based, un-obtrusive Google AdWords ads on their website’s content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you’ll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages. The program is free, and Google pays you for clicks on the AdWords ads on your site.There are no strict criteria for acceptance into the AdSense program, which, unlike other ad networks, does not place minimum traffic requirements on applicants. The only real criteria are the standard “acceptable content” requirements that exist just about everywhere. Of course, AdSense wants to attract quality content sites, and will only allow AdSense members to serve one ad per page – the service can’t be used for both banners and skyscrapers.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Resources for starting an affiliate program

Affiliate Tracker
Affiliate Tracker® is brand new piece of business automation software designed to help you build and manage your own network of affiliates from your own server -- without those monthly costs! It has all features any merchant would need and is easy to set up and use. Very economicaly priced.

Affiliate Tracking Software
iDevAffiliate - Now you can manage your own affiliate program from your own server for under 100 bucks! iDevAffiliate works with nearly all merchant accounts, shopping carts and membership management software. It's packed with features such as unlimited (percentage) payout levels, recurring sales, order tracking, product grouping, tier level affiliates, complete accounting and statistics, a fully featured admin center and tons of other features.

The Affiliate Manager Course
This is a major course for affiliate managers brought to you by the people from Affiliate Classroom so you know its good. This course includes:
- 2 DVD Set (Our 4 Hour Boot Camp)
- 10 Module “Interactive” Workbook
- Over 14 Hours of Audio Interviews
- 8 Checklists
- An Entire CD of Templates
- A Complete “Where To Find It In Affiliate Marketing” Glossary
- and bonuses contributed by Revenue Magazine, Shawn Collins,, and many more!
In all honesty, if you do nothing more than recruit even ONE super affiliate as a result of this course, the course will pay for itself in just days!
Yet another reason why Affiliate Classroom has created absolutely THE course of authority when it comes to affiliate management.

eComXpo is The Virtual Tradeshow for eCommerce Marketers.
The event is 100% online, virtual and free. This event, focused on affiliate marketers, delivers all the benefits of a top tradeshow, but from the comfort of your home or office. Networking, lead generation, marketing and fun. Attendees will be able to interact with over 8,000 merchants and affiliates via chat or email, attend up to 40 educational presentations by top industry experts and visit more than 300 booths in the exhibit hall and enter to win fantastic prizes. Find out about new merchant programs to join, or reconnect with existing partners. The event is held every Spring and Fall, with the next event scheduled for October 9-11 2007. There's no travel required; just an internet connection. Click here to register for free! Plus, we're announcing the newly expanded eComXpo University with more than 100 educational presentations from the current and previous eComXpo's to choose from at a special discounted rate.

Affiliate PRO Script
Affiliate PRO is professional PHP based affiliate software that has many powerful features to build network of webmaster selling products or services. Main task of affiliate script is tracking of clicks and sales, and according to system setup give certain commission to affiliates who referred customers making sales on your website. This system could be used both for online payments and offline payment (check/wire/etc). Existing affiliates can refer other webmasters to get affiliated with you and receive second tier commission or even more tiers. Affiliate PRO is very flexible, customizable, user-friendly, easy to use and the most affordable software availble on the market.

Affiliate Explosion - 100 Ways To Recruit More Affiliates.
100 Ways To Recruit More Affiliates, Increasing Your Affiliate Network, And Resulting In More Sales For Your Products. This E-book Will Help Stimulate Your Recruitment Process With Creative Ideas. Use These Ideas To Recruit Super Affiliates Today.

AffiliateTraction specializes in starting, promoting and managing affiliate programs. Founded in 2000, AffiliateTraction has and continues to work with impressive clients such as Revenue Magazine, Internet Retailer, eWealth, James Martel, and, to name a few…
AffiliateTraction works to understand who your customers are and where they go online. They then target affiliates while building your brand and giving suggestions on how to improve your campaigns as well as your website's conversion. In addition, AffiliateTraction provides affiliates with unparalleled service to build a long term successful program.
AffiliateTraction combines submission to multiple Affiliate Networks and an independent program with the power of advertising and public relations to drive new affiliates to the program while managing your brand.
The AffiliateTraction website offers an extensive "Learning Center" and two "Newsletters" catered to affiliate-publishers and merchant advertisers. Merchants seeking service will also find a very convincing "About Page" with testimonials and Case Studies.

Post Affiliate Pro
Set up and manage your website's own affiliate program with Post Affiliate Pro affiliate tracking software. Our fully automated, flexible system allows you to attract, motivate and reward affiliates who grow your business. The software is easy to use and offers an unparalleled array of features.

New merchants up and running in a matter of hours. No minnimums, No annual fees, No hidden fees, Low set up fee. Recommended.

A simple "plug in" solution to the complex task of building an integrated e-bussiness system for your web site(s). Beginners & experts alike can totally automate their Web sales, email marketing, digital product delivery, ad tracking, & affiliate program in as little as 15 minutes! A 30 day free trial is available. Details here

Interneka Affiliate software
Start your own affiliate program for as low as $149.00!

Affiliate Tracking Software -
AffiliateClicks is the ideal affiliate tracking software solution for any business starting an affiliate program online with many advanced features. Click here now to learn more about AffiliateClicks and take the tour.
E-junkie provides you shopping cart and buy now buttons to let you sell downloads and tangible goods on your website, eBay, MySpace, Google Base, CraigsList and other websites using PayPal, Google Checkout, Authorize.Net, TrialPay, 2CheckOut and ClickBank.
For merchants selling downloads, we automate and secure the digital delivery of your files and codes. If you are selling tangible goods, we automate the shipping calculation and inventory management. Our shopping cart has a built in sales tax, VAT, packaging and shipping cost calculator.
You can sell ebooks, sell mp3 tracks and albums, sell software, icons, fonts, artwork, phone cards, event tickets, cds, posters, books and almost everything else you can imagine.
E-junkie has NO transaction limit, NO bandwidth limit, NO setup fee and NO transaction fee.
Includes an affiliate program.

Blue Dog Affiliate
20% Of All Online Sales Come Through Affiliate Programs!
Set Up Your Own Affiliate Program With Professional Tracking ... JUST $95!
Access over 45,000 affiliates today!
Providing continuous affiliate tracking since August of 2000. Time-tested and experienced! Take the free test drive.
A new FREE marketplace to sell any product you want. Yours or become an affiliate for any item in the marketplace. Similar to Clickbank but without the restrictions and its free. Get $5 for each free member that joins!

Clickbank/Paypal Affiliate Script
A low cost and easy CGI Script for your Affiliates for Clickbank and Paypal. This solves many of the problems of using clickbank and paypal for your affiliate program. - Recruit Your own sales forces
This affiliate management script is a very low cost alternative and seems to work well.

Join affiliate program and earn money by promoting affiliate management script. Every time you send us a customer, you earn up to 35% of each sale, 10% on second tier, and 5% on 3-rd tier.

FusionQuest Bulk Wholesale Program
The Bulk Wholesale Program is designed for e-commerce solution providers, such as hosting solutions or shopping cart providers, that would like to private label and bundle a full-featured affiliate tracking solution into their product offerings. They also offer licences for people who want to run their own affiliate network. - Affiliate Tracking System!
With MyReferer you will be able to offer your own affiliate program from your website and pay your affiliates for performance. Simply cut and paste a few lines of HTML code on your site to get your own affiliate program up and running. This is a very easy to use and set up.

Groundbreak have affiliate program software that is highly recommended. It is used by many of the leading merchants because it is powerfull, easy to set up and use, and reasonably priced.
Details here.

FusionQuest Affiliate Software
New technology. SEO enabled! No monthly fee. 100% web based.

YOURsoft Affiliate program Software
YOURsoft affiliate tracking software will help you start your own affiliate program the easiest way possible for the lowest prices imaginable!

Affiliate Pro
Our affiliate software installs in just minutes and integrates easily into your existing website. Affiliate Pro could be easily integrated with any billing system. It has paypal payment gateway support embedded. FREE INSTALLATION of the script to your server and INTEGRATION by professional admin! Full featured, powerful affiliate management system. Provides sign-up forms, creates the links for affiliates, tracks sales, leads and clicks statistics, calculates affiliate commissions, processes payments to affiliates, provides administration menu for 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier affiliates and many other advanced capabilities.

Affiliate Network Pro
Affiliate Network Pro is a fully feature affiliate software that allows you to start your own affiliate program network. Features include multi-language, instant payment module, affiliate directory, real-time affiliate transaction and sales reports (click, sales and leads), easy shopping cart integration, anti-fraud and IP blocking, 2-tier commissions, advance email messaging, robust merchant and affiliate management system and more.

Affiliate Software
Join our affiliate program to earn multi level commissions from affiliate software sales. Provide your users a direct link to our affiliate program software site and earn 15% Commission for every sale. 5% from level 2 sales. 3% from level 3 sales. Our product is a professional Affiliate Software with 10 downline levels, clean links, reserve held, scaled commissions, reverse sales, flash/html banners, recurring payments, multiple domains support and more...

menjana wang dari blog

Disini saya sediakan sedikit petikan dari tutorial dari smart zul.moga-moga dapat memebuka minda kita untuk membuat blog yang berjaya

Mempelbagaikan sumber pendapatan melalui blog. Jangan hanya berharap dan tumpu pada yang satu. Namun lakukan secara fokus dan konsisten.

Ya, mudah. Tetapi hakikatnya ramai yang tidak melakukannya dengan serius atau dengan betul. Bagaimana?

1. Sertai beberapa program affiliate yang terbaik samada dari segi produk dan komisen yang dibayar serta reputasi pihak penganjur program tersebut. Komisen bagi produk affiliate untuk produk digital biasanya 40-50% daripada harga produk. Maka utamakan komisen sebegitu jika anda inginkan hasil yang memuaskan dan setimpal daripada usaha anda.

Produk affiliate mestilah ada permintaan (dikehendaki ramai) dan masih relevan dengan keadaan semasa. Kebanyakan penganjur program affiliate hanya ingin 'mempergunakan' anda untuk memperbanyakkan jualan mereka tetapi memberikan anda komisen yang 'sedikit' dan tidak setimpal dengan usaha kuat anda.

2. Sertai program PPC seperti Google Adsense atau lain-lain. Untuk program jenis ini, pilih hanya satu sahaja kerana biasanya menjadi syarat program tidak boleh mencampurkan dengan mana-mana program PPC yang lain.

Konsep asas untuk mendapatkan bayaran yang memuaskan melalui program google adsense adalah kandungan (artikel) yang fresh dan ori, keyword bernilai tinggi, pemilihan ads yang berkesan dan sudah tentunya blog anda memiliki pengunjung yang ramai.

Untuk mengetahui teknik-teknik adsense secara praktikal, dapatkan ebook panduan di dalam bahasa melayu dengan klik pada link berikut:

3. Menjual ruang iklan samada secara menggunakan pihak tengah atau melakukannya sendiri. Untuk menggunakan pihak tengah, anda boleh mencuba di atau di Namun, mereka mengenakan syarat-syarat tertentu yang biasanya jika blog anda masih lagi baru, kebiasaannya amat sukar untuk mendapat kelulusan mereka.

Jika permohonan anda tidak lulus, maka jalan kedua adalah menjual ruang iklan sama ada banner atau link di blog anda kepada sesiapa yang berminat. Saya telah melakukan kedua-dua cara dan hasil yang saya dapati amat memuaskan. Namun, sebelum anda menjual ruang iklan, utamakan teknik-teknik yang dinyatakan di dalam ebook Kit Blogger.

4. Menjual produk sendiri. Ini sudah semestinya anda lakukan, jika boleh. Gunakan sebaik mungkin blog anda untuk 'mempromosikan' produk anda sendiri.

Itulah 4 cara buat duit melalui blog dan jika anda menggabungkan kesemua cara tersebut dan melakukan secara fokus dan serius, anda dapat melipat-gandakan pendapatan anda di internet.

Kehebatan Produk Digital dan MLM di Internet

Kehebatan Produk Digital dan MLM di Internet
oleh Zamri Nanyan

Perniagaan MLM di internet mempunyai pelbagai
kelebihan disebabkan terdapat banyak perkara
yang boleh anda lakukan untuk mencari prospek
dan membina jaringan ahli anda sendiri.

Pada masa yang sama, anda juga boleh menjana
pendapatan sampingan samaada anda dapat menaja
ahli baru ke dalam program MLM anda ataupun

Mungkin anda keliru.

Bagaimana anda boleh menjana pendapatan
sampingan sekiranya anda tidak menjual produk
MLM anda atau menaja ahli baru?

Mungkin juga anda mempunyai soalan sebegini -
bagaimana saya boleh melakukannya?

Baiklah, saya akan berikan satu cara bagaimana
saya melakukannya berserta contoh nyata yang
masih saya praktikkan di sini.

Jawapannya ialah dengan menjadikan program MLM
anda sebagai saluran pendapatan kedua selepas
anda berjaya menjual produk yang bersesuaian
kepada pelanggan anda.

Produk yang saya maksudkan ialah produk digital
yang mudah dicipta dan juga tidak akan habis
dijual walaupun terdapat pembeli setiap hari.

Untuk memudahkan pemahaman anda, saya akan
berikan contoh laman web yang saya bina di

Jika anda lawati laman web tersebut, anda akan
dapati yang saya menjual sebuah ebook (produk
digital) berkaitan cara menjana pendapatan
berterusan melalui internet dan bagaimana anda
boleh melakukannya dengan menuruti langkah demi
langkah yang ringkas.

Di dalam ebook ini juga, saya memperkenalkan
"Kiosk", sebuah perkhidmatan 'webhosting' yang
merupakan resepi penting untuk membina laman
web profesional, yang saya gunakan di

Laman web untuk perkhidmatan 'webhosting' ini

Yang menariknya, Kiosk juga merupakan sebuah
MLM internet di mana saya akan mendapat komisyen
sekiranya saya memperkenalkan pelanggan yang baru
kepada Kiosk melalui laman web affiliate yang
saya berikan di atas.

Jadi, anda boleh lihat di sini bahawa saya akan
mendapat wang hasil jualan ebook "Online Profits
Made Simple" sebelum saya memperkenalkan MLM
internet saya kepada pelanggan saya.

Sekiranya selepas membaca ebook ini dan pelanggan
saya mendapati yang kandungannya bermanfaat dan
Kiosk boleh membantu mereka untuk menjana
pendapatan berterusan di Internet, mereka akan
menyertai Kiosk di dalam kumpulan MLM saya.

Jika mereka merasakan yang ianya belum masanya
untuk mempraktikkan apa yang saya tulis di dalam
ebook "Online Profits Made Simple" saya itu,
ianya tidak mengapa kerana saya telahpun
memperolehi pendapatan daripada hasil jualan
ebook saya tersebut.

Kesimpulannya, menjual produk digital sebelum
menaja ahli baru ke dalam MLM internet anda
adalah satu cara yang menguntungkan.

Penajaan boleh berlaku secara otomatik dan jika
pelanggan nda tidak menyertai program MLM
internet anda, anda asih mampu menjana pendapatan
melalui jualan produk digital anda.

Oleh itu, fikirkan bagaimana anda boleh
aplikasikan lmu yang saya kongsi bersama di sini.

Mengenai Penulis

Zamri Nanyan adalah penulis buku "The Ultimate
Blueprint of Internet MLM Success" dan beliau
mempunyai minat yang amat mendalam terhadap
bidang MLM Internet. Lawati laman web beliau dan untuk mendekati beliau
dengan lebih rapat.

[Ebook "Online Profits Made Simple" sedang melalui
proses penterjemahan dari Bahasa Inggeris kepada
Bahasa Malaysia. Nantikan kemunculan ebook ini
dalam Bahasa Malaysia dalam masa terdekat]

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

SkreemR Mp3 Search..

SkreemR Mp3 search adalah enjin pencarian mp3.Korang boleh search ape-ape lagu dan korang boleh download lagu itu secara percuma.Gambar diatas adalah contoh lagu yang aku cari iaitu Hey there Delilah.Korang hanya klik jerk file kemudian die akan download dengan sendiri nye.

SkreemR Mp3 Search(sila klik sini)

As what Anuar Zain had commented.....

"Lelaki Ini merupakan lagu yang paling susah untuk saya nyanyikan, manakala Tinggalkan Aku pula menjadi lagu pertama yang saya pilih untuk dimuatkan ke dalam album ini. Terima kasih Sharon Paul kerana simpan lagu ini untuk saya,"

TINGGALKAN AKU is another favourite of mine of the 10 songs in the newly released Anuar Zain's album. This song was composed by Sharon Paul. Such a lovely song that can be a hit after LELAKI INI

Almost about 70% of the songs in his new album were composed by Indonesian composers, whilst the remaining few are by Malaysian composers. This time around Anuar Zain relies heavily on Indonesian composers for his new album. What he really looking for in his new album is something fresh and new concepts for his listeners and fans.

Overall I give 8.5 out of 10 points for Anuar Zain's long awaited new album. As we all notice that we have to wait up to 5 years each for any albim released by Anuar Zain. An album which is worth buying.


MLM Memang Skim Piramid?

December 10, 2006 | By Zamri Nanyan In Rahsia MLM |

Memang perbincangan skim piramid dan MLM bagai tidak dapat dipisahkan… perdebatan ini tidak akan berakhir walaupun ianya telah bertahun dibahaskan.

Saya juga tak merasakan yang topik ini akan kurang diperkatakan di masa akan datang. Kalau tak percaya, simpan e-mel ini dan baca sekali lagi 2 atau 3 tahun akan datang, dan lihatlah di pelbagai forum yang membincangkan perniagaan sebegini.

Jadi, betulkan MLM itu ialah sebuah skim piramid?

Sebelum saya jawab soalan ini, biar saya berikan 3 senario di bawah:

1. Sebuah kerajaan mempunyai seorang presiden atau perdana menteri, diikuti oleh beberapa menteri… dan wakil-wakil rakyat lain, ketua daerah dan sebagainya.

Cuba perhatikan…

Adakah jumlah perdana menteri lebih ramai dari menteri? Bagaimana pula jumlah menteri berbanding wakil rakyat… dan jumlah… anda tahu selebihnya bukan?

2. Sebuah syarikat mempunyai seorang CEO atau presiden, diikuti dengan naib presiden, direktor, pengurus dan lain-lainnya.

Berapa ramaikah bilangan direktor jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah pengurus?

Sudah tentulah jumlah direktor lebih rendah dari jumlah bilangan pengurus.

Bagaimana pula gaji presiden berbanding gaji seorang pengurus? Bolehkah seorang pengurus mempunyai gaji setinggi gaji pesiden? Tentu kucar-kacir pengurusan syarikat ini jika gaji presiden (orang paling tinggi dalam piramid) lebih rendah daripada gaji seorang pengurus.

3. Sebuah organisasi MLM mempunyai pemimpin yang mempunyai lebih ramai orang di bawah beliau dengan pelbagai pangkat yang lebih rendah. Beliau mendapat lebih banyak pendapatan daripada orang lain.

Walau bagaimana pun, tidak mustahil orang di bawah beliau menjadi lebih bagus dan menyamai atau mendapat lebih banyak pendapatan daripada beliau pada suatu hari nanti. Semuanya bergantung kepada usaha mereka membina sebuah piramid yang besar.

Jadi, apakah kesimpulan yang hendak saya buat di sini?

Senario manakah lebih adil?

Jangan anda tersalah anggap yang sesebuah organisasi piramid itu adalah menyalahi di sisi undang-undang. Yang salahnya ialah skim cepat kaya yang menggunakan piramid untuk menindas orang bawahan.

Sebenarnya, organisasi yang berbentuk piramid adalah sebuah organisasi yang kukuh. Jika tidak, sebuah negara mungkin akan tumbang. Ekonomi negara akan ke belakang, dan orang akan terus gagal di dalam bisnes.

Masalah piramid dan MLM sepatutnya difahami dengan betul… dan bukannya mengambil kesimpulan yang MLM adalah sebuah piramid yang menyalahi undang-undang.

Jadi, betulkan MLM itu sebuah piramid?

Ya, MLM ialah sebuah piramid tetapi tidak semestinya skim piramid atau skim cepat kaya yang menyalahi undang-undang. Kerajaan kita juga berbentuk piramid, syarikat swasta dan kerajaan juga berbentuk piramid. Mungkin keluarga anda juga berbentuk piramid.


Zamri Nanyan

Zamri Nanyan berjaya membongkar rahsia kejayaan Tom “Big Al” Schreiter dengan terbitnya ebook hebat Rahsia Sistem Merekrut MLM. Buat pertama kalinya dalam sejarah, buku Tom Schreiter ini diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Dapatkan ebook ini sekarang di
Dapatkan ebook ini sekarang di


Membuka perniagaan sediri mungkin menjadi dambaan bagi ramai orang.namun memulakan sesebuah perniagaan tidaklah semudah memetik jari.ada perkara-perkara yang harus dipersiapkan,direncanakan dan dilaksanakan dengan ketekunan.semak beberapa tip tentang bagaimana mempersiapkan diri untuk membuka perniagaan.

Lakukan kajian terlebih dahulu

Kajian merupakan perkara pertama yang perlu dilakukan sebelum memulakan perniagaan.lakukan kajian terlebih dahuli misalnya di pasarraya,kedai runcit,pasar malam dan sebagainya.tentukan siapa pengguna yang bakal membeli barangan yang ingin kita pasarkan.tentukan mana yang akan jadi sasaran utama anda atau pelanggan anda menjadi lebih kecil.fahami perbezaan antara pasar raya dan di mana anda menarik perhatian pelanggan.

Jaminan kewangan

Kewangan boleh menjadi masalah yang terbesar sebelum anda membuka sesebuah perniagaan tetapi ada beberapa jenis pilihan yang tersedia untuk mendapatkan modal.anda boleh memilih program keusahawanan dalam membangun perusaan kecil-kecilan.anda boleh memulakan untuk mengajukan pinjaman pada bank yang untuk perniagaan industry ringan misalnya atau anda boleh membuat pinjaman peribadi di bank selain memilih rakan perniagaan yang memiliki kewangan yang stabil.

Ciptakan imej atau posisi jualan yang baik

Mulakan dengan membangunkan imej perniagaan anda.’Branding Image’ anda dikalangan masyarakat luar dan juga kepada para pelanggan yang menjadi sasaran anda.ianya termasuklah dalam soal strategi penjualan.kembangkan ‘tagline’ anda dan tumpuan kepada pelanggan –pelanggan yang sesuai dengan produk yang anda pasarkan.ciptakan sebuah imej yang mampu membuat anda dipercayai dan diyakini oleh kelompok sasaran pelanggan anda.

Berhenti berfikir untuk mendapatkan laba secepat kilat

Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa bukan mudah untuk sesebuah perniagaan itu maju dan Berjaya dalam masa yang singkat.kebanyakkan perniagaan memerlukan waktu dan usaha,bahkan untuk memulakan sesuatu perniagaan,anda perlu berusaha dengan lebih keras bagi mendapatkan hasil seperti yang diharapkan.saat anda memahami bahawa tiada jalan singkat untuk mendapat kejayaan selain tiada kejayaan tanpa usaha,anda tidak seharusnya menaruh harapan secara berlebihan atau sesuatu yang realistic.persiapkan usaha,pengorbanan dan bahkan kemungkinan mengalami kerugian.anda tidak akan menjadi kaya raya hanya dalam sekelip mata tetapi anda boleh berusaha ‘mencipta’ secara bertahap.walau apa pun,yang pentingnya ialah semangat untuk terus berusaha sehingga Berjaya.

Pilih rakan perniagaan yang tepat

Jika anda mencari rakan niaga,pastikan amda memilih yang tepat dan serasi.pilihlah rakan perniagaaan yang memiliki latar belakang perniagaan.pengalaman yang diperolehi oleh rakan anda dapat membantu anda memajukan perniagaan.anda juga boleh memilih rakan perniagaan yang memiliki kewangan yang kukuh kerana mereka mewakili kredit yang bagus untuk menjamin perniagaan yang bakal dibuka.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

HELLOWEEN - Gambling With The Devil Album (2007)

APOCALYPTICA - Worlds Collide Album (2007)

DREAM THEATRE - Systematic Chaos Album (2007)

ICED EARTH - Framing Armageddon Album (2007)

DOWN - Over The Under Album (2007)

Rasa Sayang Malaysia

Sekarang dalam radio atau di TV pasti kita dapat dengar dan tonton akan video berkaitan promo 'Rasa Sayang Malaysia'. Untuk itu Arjunagt bagi kekawan hayati apa yang terkandung dalam lagu ini .... Atau klik link ini : Rasa Sayang Malaysia

Muaturun, klik jerr tajuk lagu..
Rasa Sayang Malaysia MP3
Rasa Sayang Malaysia Video

Unsur 3K memberikan kejayaan yang membanggakan kepada seorang anak muda!

Salam sejahtera.

3K adalah: Kesabaran, Kesungguhan, Konsisten

Tanpa melakukan 3K ini, mungkin seorang anak mudah ini tidak akan dikenali, tidak akan berjaya di dalam impian dan kehendaknya.

Anak muda ini mula menulis blog pada Julai 2005 dan memilih topik perniagaan internet dan juga mengenai keusahawanan. Beliau terus menulis secara konsisten dan begitu bersungguh-sungguh sekali sehingga menghasilkan beberapa post yang ditulis berdasarkan pemikirannya dan juga pembacaan yang dilakukan. Beliau tetap fokus pada topik pilihannya.

Awal september 2005, beliau membeli satu domain name dan kini nama domain itu telah mula dikenali oleh rakyat Malaysia. Daripada blog free, kemudian beliau telah mempunyai blog rasmi dengan nama domain dot com sendiri. Terus dan terus menulis. Terus melakukan beberapa teknik (ada diajar di dalam Pakej Kit Blogger) secara konsisten dan sabar. Kini, sudah lebih setahun beliau masih kekal pada penulisan blognya. Sudah ramai yang mengenalinya.

Siapakah beliau? Anda cuba teka. Itu tidak penting, tetapi pengajaran di sini adalah:

Penulis blog tersebut begitu bersabar di dalam mengekalkan blognya walaupun apa sahaja badai yang melanda. Blognya sudah berkali-kali dipecah-masuk (hack), namun beliau tetap sabar. Tak cukup kawan, lawan juga ada, namun beliau tetap sabar.

Berkat sifat sabar, hari berganti hari, kita bilangan tulisan beliau di blognya mencecah ratusan artikel! Antara top ten di enjin carian bagi keyword tertentu dan dikenali oleh penggiat bidang yang sama. Sehari selembar benang, akhirnya menjadi kain.

Topik yang dipilih untuk blog beliau adalah minatnya dan cita-citanya. Maka untuk mengekalkan blognya, perlunya kesungguhan di dalam menguruskan blog tersebut. Beliau begitu bersungguh-sungguh di dalam mendapatkan ilmu mengenai blogging samada teknik ataupun teknikalnya. Terus menerus belajar dan mencari dengan kesungguhan yang tinggi.

Beliau minat apa yang beliau lakukan. Sebab itu blognya tetap wujud dan dikemaskini secara konsisten. Blognya dibina bukan semata-mata suka-suka atau sekadar cuba-cuba atau trial and error. Beliau akan terus konsisten mengekalkan blognya agar terus berkembang dan berjaya memberikan hasil yang setimpal atas usahanya!

Tip 5 kali ini amat panjang. Jika anda hayati "cerita" di atas, seorang anak muda dengan 3K-nya, maka anda akan faham bahawa, untuk mengekalkan atau mendapatkan blog yang berjaya bukanlah senang atau kadang-kadang tidaklah sesusah mana jika... Jika ada kesungguhan, kesabaran dan konsisten.