Happy Deepavali to all indian whatever u are.
sambil sambil kita berhibur sambil meneroka peluang buat duit ....
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Are you currently looking for ways to make money online? If you are, you may have come across eBay. eBay is known as an online auction website. What is nice about eBay is that just about anyone can become an eBay seller, including you. What does this mean for you? Essentially, it means that if you have items to sell, you can do so on eBay; while making money at the same time. So, if you are currently looking for ways to make money online, you are urged to examine becoming an eBay seller, as there are a number of reasons as to why you should.
Perhaps, the greatest reason as to why you should become an eBay seller is because there are no minimum auction requirements. For you, this means that you could just test the waters if you wanted to. If you were unsure as to whether or not you should rely on eBay to make money, you may want to sell a few items that you no longer need and see how it goes. Should you like the eBay selling experience, you could continue on. However, if you were not satisfied with the results, you could stop selling on eBay right away. eBay is flexible to all sellers, particularly those just getting started.
Another reason why you should become an eBay seller is because it is easy to do. eBay has a relatively easy learning curve. When listing an auction or selling an item on eBay, you are given step-by-step instructions on how you list your items and get your auctions up and running. As long as you follow the instructions provided to you by eBay, you could have your items listed online in a matter of minutes. It has been said that those with minimal computer experience are also able to sell on eBay, without any problems.
Speaking of the items that you want to sell on eBay, you will find that you can sell just about anything on eBay, within reason. There are only a few restrictions, which include inappropriate content and such. For a detailed list of prohibited eBay items, you will want to visit eBay’s help center. Despite a few restrictions, there are a large number of items that can be sold on eBay. These items include real estate, vehicles, clothing, toys, movies, books, gaming consoles, computers, beauty items, and much more. Whether you are looking to sell something that you have in your home, something you bought from a yard sale or a thrift store, or something that can be dropped shipped from another company, you should be able to do so online with eBay.
The ability to make a profit is another one of the many reasons as to why you should become an eBay seller. What is nice about eBay is that they let you set your own price for your auctions. In fact, if you would rather outright sell your products, instead of selling them in a bidding auction, you can do so with “Buy It Now,” listings. The ability to set your own prices is one the many reasons why you should check out eBay. Having the ability to set your own prices increases your chances of being able to make a profit on eBay.
If you would like to become an eBay seller, and as previously mentioned there are a number of reasons as to why you should, you will want to register for a free eBay account. Although your eBay account is free, it will cost a small amount of money to sell items on eBay. Your eBay selling fees will all depend on how much you list your items for, as well as how much they sell for. Despite having to pay small fees, eBay is more than worth your time. The least that you should do is give it a shot. As previously mentioned, if your eBay selling experience doesn’t go as well as you had originally hoped for, you can stop and look for other online money making opportunities.This article from CareerJournal.com describes what you need to get started and how to get training and experience to help you get assignments.
A lot of blood, sweat, and tears goes into crafting your 'elevator speech' (I hate that term). You've probably agonized over it, striving to catch just the right tone and wording. Finally, you're (hopefully) finished.
For the final blessing, you turn to your friends and colleagues, and test it out. They respond:
"That's great! I love it. Go for it."
They've just killed you with kindness.
Are they lying? No, they aren't. They sincerely like it. The problem is, they aren't your clients. Or, worse yet, they might be potentially clients, even if they are friends or colleagues, but you'd never know it.
So, what's going on?
The true purpose of the so-called 'elevator speech.'
Your 30-second shpiel is not meant to win you a client or a contract. It's not meant to sell your t-shirts, or anything else you sell.
The only thing your marketing 'tagline' if you will is supposed to do is help the person who hears it decide if they want to walk into your store or not. It's just a window display that helps them decide: "Is this something I'm interested in, or do I know someone who might be?"
That's it. It doesn't have to do such heavy lifting. In fact, 30 seconds is way too long. One or two sentences is plenty. Because once you've spoken them, they'll know immediately if they have 'the response' or not.
The only response that counts.
The only response that counts is if someone can either say, "That's me!" or if immediately, without having to think about it or be prompted in any way, faces or names of people they know jump into their mind.
"I help women who are struggling with chronic illness and still want to contribute in the world." Immediately, I'm seeing the faces of women I know who fit this.
"We help people in business for themselves, who got into business to make a difference, but really, really need to make a profit." "You do? My buddy Tim needs to talk to you."
When a client of ours landed on the right message, she tested it out on friends, and they didn't say: "Oh, I like that." They said: "Wow, I didn't know that's what you were doing. Can you help me?"
THAT's the response you're looking for.
Oh, there might be one other response.
The other response: "That's nice."
Sheer indifference will be what comes up for people who aren't interested, and who don't know anyone else who is. Which is absolutely fine.
You can walk past an automotive speciality shop, and if you're into cars, you get drawn towards the open door like a magnet. But if you're not, you might not even notice that store is there.
It's not necessary that your message wow people, or even be that remarkable. It just needs to be clear enough to call someone's name, so the right people can say: "That's me- I want to talk to you about this."
The Who-Who-What
I don't call this message a 'tagline' or an 'elevator speech.' I call it the "Who-Who-What" after the three elements that make it up. Once you have these three elements right, you'll be calling your best clients' names, and they'll respond, with interest.
Let me explain these three to you.
Keys to Calling Your Clients' Name
The First Who: Demographic.
A demographic is something observable or independently identifiable. "Women over forty" is a demographic, as well as, "people in small business" or "bicultural Dutch citizens."
Many people resist having a demographic because it seems so limiting, or strange. I say, get creative with it! It's incredibly grounding to your business. After all, "people who buy ten chocolate bars a week" is also a demographic. They might hide it from you, but it can be verified.
What is your demographic- who are you really wanting to reach.
The Second Who: Psychographic.
A psychographic is an internal belief or identity that someone holds, but is not independently verifiable. Someone who "wants to make a difference" is a psychographic. "Loves chocolate" is another psychograhic.
The psychographic is what brings your demographic alive. "People in small business" is incredibly generic, but tag on the psychographic: "who want to make a difference in the world" and suddenly it's very specific.
A demographic plus a psychographic is very powerful. But you need one more thing.
The What: The problem they are facing that you help solve.
The reason you're even in business is to help someone solve a problem. It could be a serious problem, like someone struggling with their health. Or it could be a serious problem of a different nature, like a millionaire who doesn't know which yacht to buy.
No, I'm not comparing these two problems, I'm just saying that a problem is serious if your client thinks it's serious. And if you think it's worth solving, and you have the product or service that helps, voila, you've got a business.
When you have a problem, what do you do with it? That's right you, you focus on it. You struggle with it, complain about it, dream about it, wake up at 3am about it. It's in front of you all the time.
If you name the problem, you'll have their attention, especially after you've named the two Who's, because there will be no doubt you are talking to them.
While it's true that identifying your Who-Who-What is not the easiest job in the world, it is the most powerful thing you can do for your business. And, when you test it on your friends, don't be surprised if, instead of "Oh, I like that." you hear: "Wow, can I hire you?"Wow! Selepas menonton beberapa video tutorial
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Cuma daftar melalui link di bawah dan pastikan
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di atas).
arjuna | arjunagt@yahoo.com | ![]() |
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